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Everything posted by PranK

  1. I used to use Autoglym and a polisher for doing boat hulls. Great stuff. Your pics bring new meaning to the term "It'll buff right out!" The problem for me was that when I had my GTR, it was a daily, so it was always getting filthy and I just couldnt bring myself to spend any extra time (apart from washing) on making it super shiny as the next day it would be filthy again. Is there a particular process to go through to make the effects of this kind of polishing longer lasting? And welcome to the forums Mario! Christian
  2. Nice one Adam, great post!
  3. I bet that vette has a 42 Litre V100 LS80 in it. It looks awesome, but in typical American fashion, they just put stupid sized engines in to make them quicker. Brute force.
  4. Hmmm, I'll chase that up. Thanks for letting me know.
  5. Nope, $1000 a month for a kick ass box, 10Mbit connection and 3 TB of data (that we only use 500GB of). Amazon? They have an awesome network and we utilise their web services for high availability backups.
  6. Hosting. Thats all hosting. The site generates close to 500GB of transfer monthly (thats why I cant host it in AU). The site weighs in at around 60GB of storage (Not including the db). Then there are both onsite and offsite backups (to the server, to Amazon's file storage service and to my local server). It would be a lot more to put it on AU hosting although, its been on the cards a lot lately. C
  7. Thanks mate!!
  8. 1. I dont get much change from $1000 per month. And the server is reaching capacity. 2. No idea who it was but I agree that it shouldnt have been changed. 3. Dont get so defensive. Discussions and arguments are good providing people dont take it to heart and a difference of opinion can be appreciated. Christian
  9. Hahaha, I didnt even notice that number of messages. Thanks Zennon, that means a lot! Yeah that line break bothers me too. I havve been thinking about moving the little banner to the left so everything it on one line again but I thought it would look too off centre... Christian
  10. Hey all, Thanks to those people who came to my defence. Please remember that keeping this forum free, accessible and as good as I can is my number 1 concern. I had sleepless nights (literally) about the dilema of putting bigger banners up because I knew that some people wouldnt like them. The thing is that the banners do more than pay for the forums, they allow us to look at improving the forums a lot. I am looking into clustered solutions for the hosting and maybe bringing the hosting back to Australia (although, the banners need to be very, VERY lucrative to cover that). I have been speaking to a designer about a new layout and Shan is keen on doing one also that will incorporate the banners more into the site so they are less noticable. Also we have been thinking about the possibility of putting on events like drag and track days as the forum and not club specific. Again, these things come down to just how much we will get from the banners (currently we have an 'idea' but thats all). I am not using them to make me rich. I want at least the majority of the money to go back into the forums and the community. As slim said, how much do they really affect you? They have been placed so that no extra scrolling is required. Yes I had to remove the R34 banner to do this but when the new layout comes along, it will look a lot better. r32line, you are probably using a nice big resolution, eh? We had to make it 1024x768 safe (800x600 doesnt work very well, but only 2% of users are on it still). So on higher resolutions, there will be a gap. Again, the banners are there for the site. To help the site grow and to give back to the members. Thats my primary objective. Christian
  11. I like the idea of having a minimum post count (or length of time on the boards) before you can edit. I will look into that, but I dont run the FS area, I can only bring it up with the guys that do. As for the 'report post' button, the mods for the area you report the post in get notified, I know I always get notified but I'm usually too late as one of the other mods has usually beaten me to it. Either way, if you report something and nothing is done, please let me know. C
  12. Yeah its done, just need to find some time to deploy the fix (along with a forum software upgrade - so a big job).
  13. Can you link me to it?
  14. What in particular makes it like that?
  15. It might be from a specific banner... But I reckon it would have been seen by one of the other users' before now. C
  16. Hmm, might be from the new banners. I'll find out. Its definately not from SAU, I dont give a toss where you go and what porn you view. C
  17. Yeah, if they dont start coming through let me know also as I can check the mail logs and see if there is a problem.
  18. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?!?
  19. ey! What Shan was paid with is none of your concern.
  20. Um, thats been the SAU logo for as long as SAU has been around. Its still the favicon. I dont remember who made it, I think it was Shan. If the logo was created for the site, then I'm not sure why I need to ask anyone? Either way, if the logo creator wants credit, I'll give credit, thats fine.
  21. Ahh, yes but this adds extra height to the page to scroll through. I wanted to make sure that the sites usability was not affected at all.
  22. If its any consolation, the little banner wont be there for long. It'll be removed entirely at some stage.
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