Hey All,
So sorry about this lack of response. As Dan says, I get hundreds of emails and PM's and try to get to them all in a batch. but time doesnt always permit (Uni, work and new baby).
I seriously appreciate the donations, a LOT! Dont think for one minute that I dont, you guys are fantastic for donating!
Col, I'll add the tag to your account, sorry mate.
a20089, Sponsorship is slow atm, donations aren't "needed" but appreciated and the money always goes back into SAU, I havent ever made money from the site. The bank details are still correct. The list hasn't been updated for a while, but you can view the list of contributors by choosing the 'contributor' members group on the members page or forum leaders.
MZTRBO, I did receive your donation, thank you very much. I've had some problems with emails recently, I am sure I did reply but it may not have gone through, sorry.
Thanks again all, you guys rock. I'm sorry for being slack.