What a load of shit...
Even my fish know that any dyno can be made to give a 'desired' result. Dyno settings can be changed as well as the amount of power that a dyno is given (A performance shop in Hornsby, NSW used to share the same power box as the carpenter upstairs... lets just say that when the bloke upstairs was on his bandsaw, the performance shop's clients weren't impressed with their figures...)
My GTR made 250-something at the rears with stock turbo's, 1.1 bar, cam gears, fuel pressure reg and full exhaust (actually, stock dumps).
I dont give a crap about how many years experience you have, if you don't know the physics of dyno's and how to calibrate them correctly, then readings will be off. Thats not to say that you are bad at tuning, cause thats a different kettle of fish.