Ok, few questions I have been meaning to ask for a while.
My turbo has started making a 'shuttering' induction noise. So instead of the normal smooth sounding induction its lumpy sounding, like its not spooling smoothly at all. You cant feel it doing anything different (apart from the other problem, below) but you can hear it spooling strangely. The other problem is that it *feels* like I still have the standard dual stage boost control when I have replaced the BC with an AVCR. I dont seem to get much boost at all until right on 5000RPM. This happens regardless of what boost level I have the AVCR set to (standard, 0.6 Bar or 0.8Bar - usually driven on standard). I am almost hoping its dead as thats my excuse to the wife to get GCG to rebuild the sucker. But, that pushes my manual conversion back another month or 2.
Second quick question, The RSFour V has the V-Spec active rear diff, right? Thats why I get the clunkiness in reverse at lock? Or occasionally in gear at lock. Doesn't happen regularly. Just making sure.
Oh, and SK (only asking you as you seem to have more expereience in this area), from a SITC, Nismo FPR and the Jaycar fuel computer, can I expect much better fuel economy?
Thanks guys