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Everything posted by PranK

  1. dreamers, 2 things... 1. Dont chat in this area. 2. Is the car and parts in Malaysia atm? Christian
  2. something like that :|
  3. i never say 'do a search'... more posts on one topic mean more pople who know (and dont search).... ??? wtf am i talking about?
  4. bah... ok... let me see what the hell is going on.
  5. oooooh, wish i'd seen that, dont i feel dumb. now, i am keen on that too.
  6. Rowdy, its an RB25 box. Dreamers, where are you?
  7. hmmmm, ok let me look at it (again) *sigh* stoooopid gallery.
  8. Do you still have any of the following; - Handbrake cable & Lever - Pedals - Clutch master cyl Did it have good suspension? If so, how much for the rear only? Prices pls, thanks
  9. SK... You have hurt me. () Alex, about $600 once shipping is included, so not cheap.
  10. yeah, I'll be getting east bears in mine.
  11. Waited for ages to get these..
  12. OK!!! WOO HOO!!! Fulltext searching is back, If you have a 3 char term to use (ie R33 or GTR) use a wildcard '*' so your search term will look like this; GTR* Searching for R33 GTR will look like this; R33* GTR*
  13. We all talked about a GTR forum a while ago and it was decided that it was not needed. However, I will speak to the other admins/mods about it again.
  14. This is the problem that we have. If I use fulltext searching, then it will pickup everything and will be much more effective BUT will not allow you to use any search terms under 4 chars. Will the current search it allows down to 2 (i think thats what its set to) but the searches are not as effective. I am trying to find a happy medium atm. Christian
  15. So are you saying that you'd write the article and take the pics? Or you want somebody else to do it?
  16. are you able to test this again, I uploaded an image just before fine (after changing some variables in the gallery). Christian
  17. If you click on search (not just using the form field) you get the options to search back further than 30 days. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/in...act=Search&f=14
  18. Umm... Is this an Ideas/Feedback & Bugs thread? Moving to General.
  19. Apart from the header being out of alignment, thats the only problem that we have had with firefox so far but that was fixed a while ago.. Ahh well, its working for you now.
  20. hmmm, i thought everybody had permission to do this... ok, will sort it out.
  21. Ok, fulltext search has been turned off with a minimum 3 letters added, so it should be ok now.
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