In the past many features have been added to the site to assist in either the general usage or to give fun areas to 'play in' or to help in aiding the organisation of the massive wealth of knowledge that we have on these forums.
I have started looking into many changes to occur over the next few months, some massive, some quite inconsequential. But, what I need is to get feedback from you all as to what features or changes you would like to see. You may think that your ideas are non feasible or plain right silly, but its usually such ideas that make a website just that little bit better.
Please list any ideas you have for the site. Shortly I will create a 'Worksheet' thread that will contain projects that are being assesed, implemented or completed. I will also ask on any php developers to leave their mark in this forum if they wish to assist in this SAU overhaul.
Thanks all and I also thank you for helping make this site what it is today.