They dont have vehicle specific racks for roof rails, they just have different length bars to go across the roof rails, so if you go into a dealer, they will get you the one you need.
Sydney Kid, Thule make very nice racks to clamp onto the roof rails on Stageas, the good ones (aerodynamic) are about $180 per cross bar and then you can get heaps of 'bolt-ons' like ski, bike carriers etc.
yeah good idea... but i could probably only work it with the search, so i could have a link to search for threads started by $user in the past $days or something.
not sure why it happens, but i update the counts manually every few weeks, sorry guys I cannot seem to work out why its doing it.
GTTR34 - dude, its the best software on the market.
This is a cool mmorpg - check out for the client. First 40hrs are free, then you gotta pay, but its pretty good.
We should make an SAU clan.