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Everything posted by PranK

  1. I haven't checked yet mate - but I am gonna say $10 for the first and $7.50 for additional ones. The additional ones are cheaper cause you dont need to pay extra for shipping.
  2. Ok, got some white 600mm www.skylinesaustralia.com stickers here for sale. Depending how these go, I may get some different colour ones made and then maybe some sau logo ones made. They vary in price depending on postage, I am guessing the tubular postage things is the best way to send them so they dont fold? I'll get some definate prices today. If you want one, email me. Christian
  3. pete dont be silly, of course its slicks... damn zeds...
  4. After many months of research, I have concluded that the GTR was NOT the nissan flagship sportscar like everybody thought... it was in fact the stagea. and for this reason, i propose a Zeds versus Stageas competition. :headbang:
  5. you what??
  6. I have a Genuine Nismo one that set me back $250 for the GTR that I took off when I sold it, it looks like the holes line up, so i'll be bolting it on soon.
  7. I heartily endorse this event or product
  8. I drove to Bowral for the w/end - saw so many stinking skylines but only 1 recognised my car and flashed/waved and that was a S1 R33 Gtst w/ GTR front bar, plates FLYXXX (X = something i cant remember) Saw 2NTYSU in bowral, nice white S2 with white rims, another white S2, a wine red S1 on the way home on M5... saw tonnes more, cant remember them all. The car scene in Bowral is pretty impressive. Christian
  9. count yourself hired.... you ok with html etc?
  10. Hey Guys, I need somebody to help me with skyline specs and info for a section I am making. I know a lot about model numbers, engines etc - but i still need some assistance in doing it. I am doing the same for Stageas and Cefiros also. Its about time it was all documented on the site. Christian
  11. Hey Guys, I have registered cefirosaustralia.com/net and will be setting up cefiro.skylinesaustralia.com soon. I am looking for people with info to contribute (and possibly admin) to the site. It will just be a few pages and then a link to the forums or so... just an info page, not a seperate site or so... Anyway, if you are keen, let me know. Christian
  12. Hey Nick. Stageasaustralia.com IS taken - i have emailed the contact about it. I have, however, registered stageasaustralia.net, cefirosaustralia.com & .net - they just point here at the moment. Christian
  13. mcnamg - I am part of the way through setting up the SAU stagea info section - if you want to merge these 2 send me an email. maybe if we set up an sau one you could admin it? It would be like stagea.skylinesaustralia.com or something.
  14. Sweet - thanks guys!! Christian
  15. the 72xx series and the 32xx series use different cradles - can you tell me which cradle this one comes with? my wife needs a hands free kit.
  16. B-Man, post a price please.
  17. hey all, what is the plug in the centre console at the back under the cup holders? the 2 pronged thingo that looks like a japanese socket.... i am HOPING there is an inverter in the car and its 240 volts.
  18. oh, very cool - i'd love to get one of those, but i have a spare din slot as it is...
  19. is the cam gear still avail? if so, i'll take it - [email protected]
  20. driving with YO880 (white '33 GTR) yesterday to Justjap, we saw shiteloads of skylines... Also saw Jon (nissaner) at Justjap.
  21. Ron - can you pm/email me a password to reset it to.
  22. i haven't heard of anybody else getting the error, can you see if you upload to your personal gallery? that sucks too, i wanted to get the drift nats album filled quickly so i can see them!!!
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