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Everything posted by PranK

  1. post prices for them or i'll close the thread. the rules are not that easy to miss are they?
  2. oh my god! somebody who reads the rules!!! Browny - you rock!! :headbang: igoape - list prices please, this ain't ebay. Christian
  3. i LOVE it!!! Thanks mate!!
  4. Ahhhh - You rock!!! :uh-huh: :D
  5. hello?? did you recieve my PM? keen on most of your gear. Christian
  6. i tried... i called the place "Christians Cream"... but i went broke.
  7. Shan and Revhead - yeah I work for myself atm, but once these next few jobs are done, I have nothing else lined up.
  8. the C10 is a shiteload more expensive. we weren't looking at spending much at all, initially it was under $2k, so you can see why we looked for the C110.
  9. asshole Kamikaze.... i have gotten so many ****ing emails and pm's n shit from people saying "what happened man??" :hellpisd:
  10. Will be attending this event: SW20-GT Majanal CS_180 Duncan Shell B-Man Abo Bob Endorean Neil Unregistered smileyr33 Kel mattR33 2rismo Aurora Craved PranK
  11. oooooh Steve!!! We have had quick thoughts about the '26 but i dont think we really want to go overboard with power.. just quick 'enough' but nicely doneup, if that makes any sense. Rezz - NA would be nice, however, i dont think we could do it. R34 - 1600 is still very sweet. What would be ultra cool is if you found a 510.
  12. hmmm, true - never thought of this, i'll get back to you.
  13. Moderators do. We recieve warnings just like the rest of you. Regarding checking points - you can click "view your warnings" under the Quick Links menu ^ up there. This is just going to be a fair system for people instead of mods personally PM'ing somebody twice about the same thing etc... just helps us keep up to date with it. Regarding the links - I will mod that so that only the mods who mod that section can see it. Thanks - any other q's, post em here. Christian
  14. ok cool, i'll look into it... i know that i have 9 posts to administer that never show up :confused:
  15. huh? this is a 2 year old thread... :confused:
  16. Well, it could be done, only problem is that people type all different things in there so the search prolly wont be very acurate. I'll prolly do it anyway - thanks for the suggestion. Christian
  17. Consider it done.
  18. on the front page? tis now fixed.
  19. Does anybody know of any jobs going atm? I'm kinda keen to do anything.
  20. hey cruilty - got 512mb here of SDRAM, can chuck it in for $20?
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