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Everything posted by PranK

  1. Shan - i need to run a recount script that i have - its just cause of the new version.
  2. damn, its probably because i updated the gallery software. I'll sort this out tomorrow.
  3. should have been - you still having probs?
  4. awesome!!! wanna do me a silver R33 GTR?
  5. knore, rb26_s15 - stop bagging each other and arguing like girls. If you dont stay on topic i'll have to do something drastic. Christian
  6. Holy SHit man... awesome read!! top work shan!! but what i dont get is why the thread number 1 has a later date than thread number 15... :confused: oh, and consider this thread stickded.
  7. Guys, I have the following stuff for sale, email me if any of it tickles your fancy. Pics of anything can be emailed upon request. Everything includes posting! HP Jornada - PDA with dock, stylus, hard cover etc. Its the 540 Model. Details here. $150 Radeon 9600 SE - Video card, taken out of the box for a 2 min use to benchmark it. Still in box with software and manual etc. Details here. $150 Asus A7A266 - Motherboard, used for a few years and no longer needed. Details here $50 or $100 with CPU below AMD 1300mHz CPU - Self explanatory, with crazy-ass fan. Auto fan adjust or adjust it yourself with the dial that can be placed at the front of the case or the back! Details of CPU Details of Fan $50 or $100 with m/b above. I will post more shortly. Christian.
  8. I dont believe any skylines came to Australia until '74 (the C110). Heres some prince/Nissan info - http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Pit/382...823/prince.html
  9. crap! ok cool... should be fixed in 1 sec.
  10. you can only use the shop if you have donated. as for buying stuff, i am trying to find more things to add.
  11. Whats with the front wheel? OH, its a photoshop muckup. Oh, and apparently Nissan/Renault have said 2008 for the GTR.
  12. my first venture into the city tonight for months and months and wasn't spotted by anyone... my car was parked at the rocks for hours.
  13. Hi Guys, Please use the 'bug report' feature when you have a bug or forum request as its much easier for me and brody to go through them and perform requested tasks. it also means we can let you know about issues that we have found. Thanks, Christian
  14. okely, i'll look into it.
  15. yah, its a piss easy fix, we just haven't had time to do it. We just dont have mogrify (imagemagick) installed yet. We got a new harddrive not long ago. Christian
  16. Hi Guys, Sorry, shoulda posted earlier, I have spoken to supahiro about this, its all good. Christian
  17. Firstly, congrats on resurecting a 1 year old thread . Secondly, as much as its difficult to comprehend, i have a life outside of SAU. I have not gotten the logo for you yet and I apologise, but please QUIT BADGERING ME about it! its driving me nuts! If you want to organise a deal with the club, contact Dino as he is the club president now. Otherwise for forum merchandise, learn to be patient. Christian
  18. they are still showing all the time. Can you still not see them?
  19. hmmmm, sweet - thanks for letting me know mate! Christian
  20. sweet - thanks shan!
  21. Hey Guys, I am going in this years Camp Quality esCARpade which is a fund raising thing. From the info sent to me - "The 2004 esCARpade route involves loads of dirt with a loop-style course designed to go from tamworth to coffs harbour - taking the 'long way' round" Is anybody else entering this? We almost have a car for it (cars need to be pre 1980), we will be going to look at it and hopefully pick it up this weekend. I wont say what it is yet as we have not bought it yet. I will post pictures when we get it. What I want to know is if there is anyone out there, either a sole person or a business who would be willing to sponsor our car and team. We need about $4500 to just go in it, thats not food, drinks, fuel etc and all that money goes straight to Camp Quality as charity. Anybody who sponsors us will get a part of the car as exposure. You can sponsor complete sides of the car too, and roof, bonnet, hell even the wheels (providing it doesn't cover official markings areas like numbers etc, and we will need indicators and door handles too - so keep that in mind).! This is a big event! There are many people who attend and fantastic national coverage! for more info on it, go to www.campquality.org.au and click on the esCARpade link. Anyway, any help is muchly appreciated, I want to hear of any other teams that may be entering also. Thanks all! Christian
  22. Wanting older skyline, pre 1980. Preferably 240K 2 Door. Under $2k and with at least RWC/Pink Slip. Christian
  23. dammit! if only my hands wern't glued to their heads!
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