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Everything posted by PranK

  1. AUSTRALIA now has the distinction of having one of the dirtiest fuel standards in the developed world. Amongst signatories to the OECD – an international economic forum of 35 countries – Australia has the worst record on fuel quality. Mexico, once ridiculed as the only developed OECD member with fuel quality that fell lower than Australia’s, has recently introduced a 50 parts per million level of sulphur – used as a measure of how polluting petrol can be – in unleaded fuel. More on WheelsMag.com.au
  2. Looks great! Welcome to ! Thats a great car list, reminds me of mine; slow cars, diesel cars/4wd's, fast cars, expensive cars, money sinks, etc etc. I can't help with your requests though, sorry. (Stalling due to BOV maybe?)
  3. Great review thanks. Sorry for resurrection of old thread but am thinking about one for my cx7. It's so God damn thirsty that I need an eco mode.
  4. I’m a little confused. What kind of reviews are these, #CodeKit? They’re not selling me incase you were wondering. https://t.co/yNNQG48PZi

  5. Both. Duh.
  6. Hey @Ray_P358 welcome to ! Any more pics? I love a good Laurel! Lots of people and info on here for you.
  7. Yeah this is a biggie with me. People merging onto the bridge every day overtaking over solid lines. Its easy to get angry at them for f**king up the flow, but I just don't think they know its not a legal move. Haha, then people might think we can't spell 'aus' Yeah, thats the taxi mentality. Because they're working they have access to laws not available to the rest of us. Nice cam btw - What is it?
  8. Yeah, the lack of courtesy gets me. I let people in all the time and the amount of them that don't indicate and don't thank really get to me. We should start an SAU Courteous Drivers campaign! And yes, coming back into Sydney after driving out of the city is a rude awakening. She may have been overtaking. But, across double white lines? My dash cam is ok, but as you can see the quality isn't great. I'm just ready for that person that tries to blame me for going through a red light and caused the accident. It worries the hell out of me.
  9. PranK


    Oh yes!
  10. Good questions are absolutely a contribution!
  11. Commuting every day in Sydney is trying at the best of times, the level of driver stupidity I see is mind boggling. Knowing that I'm capturing a lot on my dash cam is tempting to share and shame but I usually let it go. God knows even I make mistakes sometimes. This lady this morning was just cruising down the wrong side of the road in her E-Class. Absolutely stunning.
  12. Wow, great post @ERO54N!
  13. Thanks guys. Hey Pipey, I'll be in touch.
  14. Or our gallery. Tapatalk are still working on the app issues. I'm sorry guys. Hopefully not much longer.
  15. Yeah, thanks guys thats what I was suspecting. I'll get some nice new disks and good pads.
  16. Our Mazda CX7 needs new front disks soon. We're driving to Jindy in January so I'd like to have new ones by then. Because I absolutely just can't replace part for part and NEED to upgrade I started looking at whether I could improve the brakes at all with some OEM items from another Mazda. And I can! The CX9 and CX7 Diesel both have 320mm disks compared to my CX7's 296mm. The only difference for the bigger disks are that the caliper brackets are larger. This means that with the larger brackets, I can run 320's. The problem is that the brackets are $270ea from a dealer and the 3 or 4 wreckers I've asked don't have them. So while I really want to do this upgrade I'm wondering whether its actually worth it. Will 24mm greater diameter with the same calipers actually make much difference? Thanks guys, Christian
  17. Welcome to ! Car looks super clean. Any more pics?
  18. Welcome to ! Any more pics? Whats the power goal?
  19. Nice, thanks guys, I'll add to first post. Keep the info coming.
  20. Good info Nick thanks. Is the KV36 considered the series 3? Or only the 2010+ KV36's? Do all come with paddles?
  21. Can anybody help with this? Looking for different features, engines, interior, etc. Judging by small research on carsales, we have; CKV36 Characteristics Coupe Models 370GT Type S 370GT Type P 370GT Type SP KV36 Characteristics Same as CKV36 but sedan (?) Sedan No manual option (?) Models 370GT Type S 370GT Type P 370GT Type SP PV36 Characteristics Sedan No manual option (?) Models 350GT Type S 350GT Type P 350GT Type SP I will keep modifying this post with additions from the comments below. Note uncertainty with my ? marks.
  22. Hey @inmaniac I once did the same thing. Driving along and felt weirdness on the front left wheel and so I pulled over and noticed I hadn't done the wheel nuts up more than finger tight. I tell ya what tho, you'll never do it again! I check 3 or 4 times before i drive my car after the wheels have been off. Thank Christ it didn't turn out worse.
  23. Perhaps you can direct the light from the LED out the front to supplement the high beams ?
  24. I like the concept of a high beam dashboard LED burning the retinas of the driver. People will use high beams sparingly then.
  25. Yes! So cool!!
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