You can drive the wrx too if you want....? More the merrier... the harder its driven, the quicker it breaks... lol
Maybe I should trailer the wrx there... hmmmm
Meh Im going anyways... still got the wrx .... at least I can try and break it..... lol
If my car makes it.... I don't have time to engineer it... Il just sit in the middle of the pack and hide.. lol
hahaha... twas cosy.... 33's are sooo not meant for 3 in the
*hi 5*
Yes I remember that....
And also something about Sam saying "I still have muff on my wing"....
Yep alive.... no car... but alive... grrrrrrrr
But never fear, Il still be there competing... although does it matter if I change cars at the last moment????
Seriously thinking of taking up the offer of a borrowed car that was made....