Aaaaarghh.. I hate Sydney and generally NSW drivers in general.
I drive the F3 everyday and the amount of idiots I see tailgating, sitting in the right hand lane doing 30km/h under the limit with 2 free lanes to the left of them, cutting off trucks to get that one spot in front of everyone, speeding up whe you are overtaking cause they are driving slowly, etc etc etc
Best one by far is the damn P platers that pass me at about 140km/h I am guessing..... then realise that there is a speed trap up/traffic jam up ahead and cut me off sending me mm's from the rock wall
when driving the line or the wrx I always get the wankers that just have to overtake you cause you drive a import or a turbo etc..... doesn't matter if there is room or not to overtake.. they do it at all costs