Not that anyone's reading, but;
More progress.
Gearbox is apart and the reports are that it's in pretty bloody good condition. It looks like it's never been opened (factory Nissan goo inside) and everything looked great. Surprising - it's a 19 year, 190,000km old box! Even the standard, original flywheel looked excellent but will be getting machined. Although, so I don't have to touch the box for a very long time I've told him to replace all synchro's and bearings with any sort of wear whatsoever. The last thing I want to do is cheap out on something only to have it need replacing a year down the track.
It would've been back but PAR had run out the 4.07 ratio final drive, only had the 4.43 and a 3.something, neither of which I wanted. They're arriving on Thursday so it should be finished and together on Thursday night and to my mechanics door on Friday.
I'll miss my motorkhana and track day I had planned this month, but that's probably for the best. The car needs a tune and I need to learn how to drive it haha
Nearly there.