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Everything posted by MajorSick

  1. mmm Yeah I think I will be there. Hopfully in my Skyline if not in my turbo Honda >< I am from Brisbane but I dont know any decent meeting place's besides milton Mc Donnalds car park.
  2. Lol Sounds like something you say when your girlfriend says im pregnant >< lol
  3. sweet mat black weapon's... Yeah sure it might go well but how the hell you going to sell getto car when you want make some of that green back ?
  4. Lucky it was a commodore. You can get just about any part for one the commodore for 20 cents and a stick of gum. lol
  5. tonight ? My car's still appart lol I better get out there and put it back together ><
  6. I actuelly joined the Club last week ^^ so I am also a club member mud I am member 109
  7. I am a member. Is there a resion I cant see the link you posted mud ? says somthing about sorry unable to be shown
  8. God willing by monday I have my car back together. If so I will definitly be there either to race or just watch
  9. Yeah true they were nice cars and we did meet some nice people. There were still bevens there and yeah my car handles nice. We rolled off the clock at 180 when we were on the drive following that chick in the purple supra lol Was a grate day and yeah it was nice to meet you and some of the others also. My car is back up in the air today though. This morning I took the front 4w steering out to find that noise I was talking about the other day. Think it was because of low fluid after all that hassle lol Well I really look forward to seeing you and some of the others at the next event.
  10. When I was buying my recent car I drove more GTS-T's and GTR's then you can poke a stick at. I say go GTR if you want a car that feels like 100% proof Alcohol Get a GTS-T if you want to drink milk. Becouse a GTS-T really is milk compaired to a GTR.
  11. EDIT: No workshop manuals are to be traded on SAU. It is illegal. Mud
  12. Alot of cars were there unfortunitly there was only 5 Skylines ><
  13. MajorSick

    Pls Close

    Dam that’s a bummer sad to hear it. Hope you find a decent repairer for the car at the right price for you. Best of luck
  14. I am in for any day ^^ Sunday would be cool though.
  15. Dont know about townsville but I just got a little Blue Slip from a guy in the phone book. It cost me an extra 80 $ for him to approve it without the VIN number attached to the car and no cluth or brakes to speak of. * I had just had the car painted and its brakes and Clutch will be done on monday
  16. You are right the can squeek but he is losing tracking becouse of it. Witch indercates warn shocks. I disagree with your assessment on the shocks.
  17. Update. After spending another two days under the car pocking around I decided there was no way the sound could be coming from tyre. So I took it down and though I will take if for another run and listen to the sound again. I drove the car for an hour without hearing the noise. Witch scares me a little. Becouse the noise isnt there anymore and I didnt find what it was. If anyone has any idears please let me know.
  18. As a wise man once said, A GTR is like an Ex Girlfriend... You never come out witch what you win in with. As a GTR owner you better hope those pockets run deep if something go's wrong. But oh god wile its working hold onto something becouse its a RUSH
  19. Yay count me in I dont have my business trip till the 12th I am set ^^
  20. Yay i got my car back together lol. I will be there will bell's on... Well not really bell's but I will be there.
  21. Hello Bombbastic. From what you have said it sounds very much like you require new suspension. Your wheels are having trouble leaving the ground over 5 rpm tells me that the shows are just not working well enough to hold the tyres to the floor on takeoff witch is common in worked car's. I have 370 kwts at the wheels and still have no problem with traction unless I want to So it sounds very much like you should have read the section on suspension and how it all works. Was very enlightening and I believed that replacing it will more then likely take care of the power problem. As for the squeakiness. That could have something to do with the suspension also but why don’t you just walk around the car and check your rubbers on all door and look for movement wear in the panels at the join's around the stress points of the car. I hope this helps a bit. But please consult a reasonable mechanic before taking anything that anyone says as the word of god.
  22. Sounds like either a tyre rod end or your power steering. That offcourse is with the little info that you gave. Please a little more info if possible. The more info the easier it is to diagnose
  23. Sounds like just basic malignance for a gear box. IE: Band's. Not a big problem as long as you get them either tightened or replaced
  24. Apparently you moved me to the right section. Thanks The problem with this is that I have already had the wheel off. I couldn’t see a dam thing wrong with it. The little whipper snapper that changed the tyre may not have anything to do with the sound. But I will speak with them tomorrow and see what the go is. More info on the noise is also that it only happens when I am coasting or negative boost. If I tap the power it firetrucks off. The noise does not always happen either. I take it to the guy I get to fix my cars and he said he can’t find anything. Put it up on a hoist and him and myself sat under that dam thing for hour's and still couldn’t come up with any resin why it would make the noise.
  25. Hi guys. I recently bought a R33 Skyline GTR and I love that it was so quiet inside and clean. But yesterday I had a nail pulled out of my tyre at the tyre place and ever since I have this firetrucking horrible noise when I take my foot off the power at about 60 K's So yesterday the very same day I hear it I took the wheel off * Front right hand * and looked high and low for this noise. I could see no sign of scrubbing or of anything being out of wack. So I spent 4 hour's looking over everything to do with steering, wheel and brakes and couldn’t find a dam thing out of place. So I took it out again and low and behold the same dam noise came back. The noise is lick sticking something in the spokes of a bike. So again I took the wheel off and again I find no sign of any kind or rubbing or damage to anything on the right front wheel. This is really starting to make me wonder what could be wrong. Has anyone encountered anything like this before? Or is there anything you can sagest I have a look at?
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