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Zoom-Zoom MX-5

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About Zoom-Zoom MX-5

  • Birthday 27/11/1983

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mt. Colah (Sydney)
  • Interests
    Driving.... Need I say more...??

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  • Car(s)
    '98 MX-5, '75 Civic
  • Real Name
    Tim (Zoomer)

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Collaborator (7/14)

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  1. Yeah, great isn't it..... All ages are allowed!!! Was a good turnout... PS. Oh, I do have full size pics, but thats the biggest i can post from the host i am using.... Sorry...
  2. Here they are guys.....!!!! PICS OF SAU TEAM, POSER PICS!!!
  3. I'm in...!!!
  4. As bad as this is, be glad it wasn't a skyline incident. U guys already have a bad enough reputation as it is (no fault of your own). Still sux that this has happened. Hope this is a reminder to everyone, BE CAREFUL!!!!
  5. Happy b*day, cya 2nite....
  6. Camera: Olympus E500 DSLR Price Range: Approx. $1200 (With Dual Lens Kit) Still available at this price. Date of Review: 28/02/07 Like? Many advanced features (some of which I am still working out). Takes great pics in all light conditions. Does all ranges and ISO settings (ISO100-ISO1600). Built-in flash with optional bayonet for external flash. Pre-set options for almost any scenario. Very light for a full size DSLR. Has full manual or auto settings. 2.5 inch screen. Can take an XD-card and a compact-flash card simulatiously, good for very large capacity photographers. Battery can last for longer than it takes to fill a 1GB memory card on high quality. Up to 8MP quality at optimum performance. Dislike? The flash goes balistic when the camera is trying to auto focus in low light, even when a high iso setting or slow shutter speed it set (sometimes it doesn't even use the flash after doing this). With all attachments and equipment together (ie. lenses and flash, etc.), the whole bag can be quite bulky and heavy. Can't take a standard SD-card, accessories can be more expensive than some competitors. Other than that, quite a good all round camera for the amature and professional alike. Rating: 9 out of 10 Sample picture:
  7. Mikey.....!!! Glad I came online..... Hope ur ok mate, it will explain why u won't be out cruising this week.... Please get well soon.... I think most of us would try to save our rides as much as we can.... I say just break ur key and say, "fine.... take it....!!" Mite piss em off, but ur car's not going anywhere.... Get well mate....
  8. Why don't we just call it "the I don't give a s#!t thread" cause as long as it's there to be posted in, I don't think anyone really cares...
  9. Ok, one last question.... Do you want the prezzie's wrapped or unwrapped...?? That is all.....
  10. Thanx for the positive comments... I cruise with the local Skylines and we always have a ball, I've got less power but I can always keep up....they can neva catch me... Did you guys get much good video...??
  11. Well i had fun, was next to no skylines, but many Mazda's (was good for me), hope all who came had fun, I did. Well worth the trip, and the guys running it were really good people. I even won a cap and a jacket in the raffle...!!!
  12. **Price Drop!!!** $250......
  13. Similar thing happened a while back on George St. as well. Someone threw a bottle/glass off the top of a bar/hotel and it (luckily) hit the pavement not a car and sent glass flying everywhere... I had the top down, so I was very lucky, but the security was there in seconds, bet they got him cause I saw all the people up on the top of the building in a scuffle...
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