Ok guys, just pulled my turbos off (no jokes pls!!!).. There pretty laggy, I got them with my 26, stated as having STD turbos on it.. so a bit of a win I guess..
CHRA has 14411-06U00, which is apparently r32 gismo turbo's, thus explaining why they're laggy...!
Now the thing I don't understand is the nismo's are meant to have a 0.42 compressor, but these are 0.6 like on the GT/le mans nismo's, but the CHRA doesn't show 14411-rs581 as per the lemans turbos.
Confused.. Any help appreciated, would also like to know their max power and efficiency range.
Also, have stock bottom end, nismo 555cc's, microtech, walbro, etc.. If that helps
Thx, Chris.