Opened the plugs up to check... Cylinders 1 thru 6 were filled with petrol!
Drained everything out, put the o-rings in, added some oil in each cylinder b4 putting plugs back started!
ran like a bitch tho...prolly fouled up by the oil...
drained all the oil from the, it was more like black petrol! approx 7 liters of fluid came out..i'm assuming i must have had 2.5 to 3 liters of petrol mixed in the sump!
Filled in new oil and replaced the oil filter...started up rough but after 10mins idling she's back up to mark.
Thanks URAS....
Btw, to those of you swapping injectors... make sure you check ALL o-rings are in and are not damaged.
you can use rubber grease on the o-rings to lube them, the injectors should pop straight in with ease...