yep its dean upi.
i have never tried to rectify the lag issues with my t517-10s, but i was running hks dumps aswell.
i really liked my t517-8s, but thought the 10s were to much like 2540s which i didnt like.
yep jack, ive spent too much money on these suckers and im a little over it. i was just thinking about all the turbos ive used, check this out for a list.
2530s, 2540s, t517z-8, t517z-10, td05s, kkk26 twins, t78, ive also been involved with a few others running t04, t88 and apexi ax5360s.
i loved the ax5360s the best, if i was upgrading they would be my choice followed by, 2530s and t517-8s.
im trying to do a deal on another r33 at the moment , if it works out im likely going with one of bens garret singles, something pretty small though.