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White GTS-T

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Everything posted by White GTS-T

  1. The camber of the roads. Rear toe.
  2. Cheers. I should've taken a photo before I went silly with the spray can. I'll try and get a clearer photo, in some natural light, next time the bumper is off, to give a better idea of how it fits up.
  3. RE. Purple banner and forum access.
  4. Yeah, I know what you mean, when you have it to yourself, it's really something else. On that last trip, I got stuck behind a soccer mum in a Ford Territory with a full load of kids, 'my family' stickers an all. After a while I became impatient and began pressuring her. Usually people just pull over, but she reacted by going even faster! Tipping it into the corners and crossing well into the other lane on blind corners. I couldn't believe it. Not that it excuses my behaviour, I shouldn't have done it, but I had to back off before she caused an accident.
  5. Ta. My my bank account disagrees ^_^
  6. 10 x 1.25.
  7. That should read predicate, not precipice. A freudian slip no doubt, but hopefully not a bad omen. Cheers man, i'll be sure to post up some pics when it's fitted,
  8. http://jessestreeter.com Your welcome.
  9. No. These are vacuum actuated, not pressure actuated.
  10. They are becoming increasingly commonplace, in internal, external and variable vane/geometry turbos. Later model diesels are even using electronically controlled vacuum operated actuators.
  11. I got it from the Snap-On rep that comes past the shop every 6 weeks. But a quick google of the part number brings up this on ebay.http://m.ebay.com/itm/221309291969
  12. No worries. Interesting. So does the 'G' housing come in a t4 configuration? If so it could be matted to one of your 'off the shelf' twin scroll IWG manifolds? Is there much difference in a .64 open and a.80 TS?
  13. Perhaps not something that's up everyones ally, but i've found this quite handy. It's a test light that displays voltage on a lcd screen. It shows reverse polarity with bright led's, red for positive and green for negative/earth. The lcd is crisp and easy to read. There's plently of length too. The only drawback is that it inly does 12v. So I still have to use my older style test light when working on trucks etc. Although not everyone would require this.
  14. As per my build thread, for those that are interested, with a little bit of work I was able to invert the bracket and mount a second extinguisher to the passenger side. Great product. Thanks again.
  15. I should precipice all this by stating that this is my first Hillclimb/timed event and in no way do I expect to break any records. I'll be happy to go and have some fun, meet some likeminded people and bring the car home in one piece. Having said that. I can honestly say I know I'm going to feel like a dick, getting around in this. But safety first, right? Lastly, I bought something for the car that, not in a million years did I ever think I would buy, but I did. A carbon Topstage bonnet. Thanks to #CRZY32.
  16. Moving back to the mechanical side again, I am planning on running two catch cans. Ultimatly I want to plumb them both back to the sump, but for now the vents/drains will be blocked off and I'll be able to measure the amount of blow by. Pictured is everything necessary to run the setup I have in mind. Thanks must go to #@Interloper for the press in dash fittings. In order to limit the turnaround time, I bought another set of rocker covers. The RB20 redtop covers seem to be in vogue lately and I think they will give the drab and dreary engine bay some character. After a quick hit of paint stripper the covers are ready for the dash fittings. New bolts, screws, washers and gaskets should make the installation hassle free On to servicing, I fitted the PWR power steering cooler where the condenser used to be. I also gave the motor and drivetrain some love. Giving the M's filter a service. And finally I rigged this up.
  17. Long time no update. A bit has been happening lately. I recently entered the Ararat Hillclimb, which is to be held at the end of this month, and I have been slowly prepping the car for the event. I started by trying to remove some weight from the car, by fitting the MFR wiper delete, thanks to #Sinista32, and the redundant speakers and evaporator core. This saved enough weight to offset the installation of the two 'cams approved fire extinguisher brackets', thanks to #DattoP510, and the two cams approved extinguishers. I inversed the other bracket and with a bit of persuasion I was able to make it fit the passenger side. I know having two extinguishers is probably overkill, but better to be safe than sorry. To meet the sup regs and to have a front tow point that won't pull the bumper off, I came up with this. A neat 'L' braket welded to the factory tow hook to facilitate the mounting of the TRS tow strap. The poor old Trust bumper has seen better days, but I plan on keeping it for track days/events and fitting the N1 bumper and N1 lip for the street, which finally arrived after being on back order. I have aquired almost everything I need to get the exterior sorted, including the N1 vents, indicators etc pictured here. I just need to get everything painted.
  18. Hi Geoff, thanks for the reply. I sent [email protected] an email about purchasing a 6258 and manifold etc to suit, but have yet to recieve a reply. What would be the best way to go about it? Could you moddify the exhaust housing in house prior to shipping, and could you make an internal gate manifold in a t3 configuration to suit? Thanks, Tim.
  19. Any updates on this?
  20. I wish this didn't clash with the Ararat Hillclimb, I would have loved to come to this. Maybe next year.
  21. So seeing as I'm not the son of a member, do I have to save the life of another member before I can get in?
  22. I know I may be getting in a bit early, but do you have any expectations for figures? Obviously the area under the curve is what's going to interest most, but considering the rod ratio, what are you planning on revving it to? Not that you'll have to, to get the most from this setup.
  23. http:// http://<object id="flashObj" width="480" height="270" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,47,0"><param name="movie" value="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" /><param name="flashVars" value="videoId=2813907957001&linkBaseURL=http%3A%2F%2Fau.news.yahoo.com%2Fa%2F19731345%2Fowners-share-plans-for-sa-motorsport-park%2F&playerID=2513628634001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAACKW9LH8k~,A7HfECo5t7DrAeaToOVr5sEdpPjJEcCi&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" /><param name="base" value="http://admin.brightcove.com" /><param name="seamlesstabbing" value="false" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="swLiveConnect" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1&isUI=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=2813907957001&linkBaseURL=http%3A%2F%2Fau.news.yahoo.com%2Fa%2F19731345%2Fowners-share-plans-for-sa-motorsport-park%2F&playerID=2513628634001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAACKW9LH8k~,A7HfECo5t7DrAeaToOVr5sEdpPjJEcCi&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true" base="http://admin.brightcove.com" name="flashObj" width="480" height="270" seamlesstabbing="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" swLiveConnect="true" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></embed></object>
  24. http://au.news.yahoo.com/a/19731345/owners-share-plans-for-sa-motorsport-park/
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