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Everything posted by navdan

  1. Thats just cruel Juz! Telling us all that and then not posting pics...yet You win the award for the most interesting day! Good stuff
  2. navdan


    Awesome find! Complete with 03-05 STi bonnet scoop
  3. navdan


    Please don't offer the man money, he's running from the ATO as it is
  4. Have you ever noticed how when there is a police chase that ends in a crash, the official line spun by the police involves them 'calling off the chase 1-5 mins before the actual crash' ? Bit sus to me
  5. Have to agree with the 'drink more water' thing. Although it could just be the 'christmas/NYE' time of year with all that stress and stuff
  6. I hereby start a petition to start a 'cheater' class for the Bris, where his car is quite obviously quicker than everyone elses !!!
  7. Brisby, Driver of the 'cheater' kart on NYE, you knew this was going to come up eventually
  8. navdan

    Bond Or Bauer

    Bond Bond Bond Bond Who else gets GIVEN cars like these...
  9. navdan

    Nye 2007

    Have a couple of party invites at hand...just need to decide
  10. Pre-requisite number 1 for joining SAu : The Ability to PARTY HARD!!!!!!!! nuf said!
  11. MMMMUUUUHHHAAAAAAA One step closer to teh takeover bid Now BOTH 1st and 2nd placegetters at Nov DECA are members!!
  12. Green Shirt FTW!!!!! It's farken everywhere!!!
  13. Yeah...thanks for that shout Bec
  14. Thats 'cos it's a piggy
  15. There was a fair amount of practising going on last night!!!
  16. DAMN I have to work 'till 1 o'clock, so will be making a late entrance sometime mid arvo
  17. Have a great B'Day Scotty :sorcerer: Drivers Lounge FTW
  18. Fish -------------------->Vinegar ! Potato Cakes---------->Vinegar ! Chips------------------->Vinegar ! Nothing more to it!
  19. Hmmm.... Sunday the 17th of December you say???? Work Xmas party Friday night...free alcohol...(anything you can drink!) B'day on Saturday 16th December...won't even have a chance to be hung over! So i think ill be too pi55ed to give blood Sunday! Although i would LOVE to Will have to go another time and check these nurses out myself
  20. Once again a fantastic event put on by the SAU committee. The location was A1, the weather nearly perfect (the wind disguised the sunburn in progress) and seems plenty of people were drawn over to have a look! Big thanks to Jamezilla for the coup in getting access to the area, and Team BBQ for somehow manging to cook enough for everyone on that tiny BBQ.
  21. I'll be there, but you already knew that Al I should be at The Imperial, just near Jam Factory around 6ish sitting at the outside tables, having a beer, waiting for Mav to cut a few Chap Laps and 'flutter' on by! Although i think i'll be waiting a while this time!
  22. navdan

    Deca Results

    WOW, i certainly didnt expect to be first especially at my first go!! GO THE REX!!!!!
  23. Yeah its kind of growing on me , and I am proud to announce that The Tash has renewed it's lease and will be staying on for the forseeable future
  24. Yeah I did, just bloody hot today! Must be the alco-mo-hol coming out
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