Car had been dumped on South Tce, Wingfield since this morning. According to the cops, it got in 3 high speed chases around 7 this morning, and was clocked at doing over 200 on the Port Expressway. They came off the expressway and dumped it on South Tce, obviously in a hurry because they left a glove behind and stashed a backpack behind an etsa box.
CAR IS COMPLETELY UNDAMAGED!! not a scratch on the car, tyres have plenty of rubber left, and is driving fine! obviously the ignition is rooted and there is a small scratch near the drivers door where they jemmied a screw driver in, but other than that its fine!
They had only done about 25/30 kms in the car before dumping it aswell (i cleared the odometer yesterday when i picked the car up so i knew how many kms i had done on the new clutch)
cheers for everyones help!