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Everything posted by Kero

  1. Got the card today... Your card is an eMu 4001 based card usually used on Sirus card readers (there are plenty of other card readers they also work on). It was easily copied and ive PM'ed you to organise sending it back
  2. 2 die in Cyclone Larry
  3. Stars...... Before they were famous. STARS.pdf
  4. Have you seen this RC Drift meet video... Awesome remote_controlled_car_drifting.wmv
  5. hahahaha
  6. Just type in your date of birth (Excell Spread sheet) Ageing.zip Things that make u go Aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww (PowerPoint Presentation) Thingsthatmakesyougoaaaawww.zip How to tell when you are flying over Africa Cartoons [attachmen =28375:attachment]
  7. Coke & Mentos Coke_Mentos.wmv
  8. Minds (PowerPoint Presentatin) MIND.zip
  10. What does a blonde do to hide a picture that she installed by mistake on the background of her computer, when she doesn't know how to delete it?
  11. Steak and BJ DAY - March 20th !!!!! (Also know as International Beer, Beef and BJ DAY - March 20th (BBB Day) You know the drill. Every 14th of February you get the chance to display your fondness for a significant other by showering her with gifts, flowers, dinner, shows and any other baubles that women find romantic. Every Valentines day you rack your brains for that one special, unique gift that will show your wife or girlfriend that you really do care for them more than any other. Now ladies, I'll let you in on a little secret; guys really don't enjoy this that much. Sure seeing that smile on your face when we get it right is priceless, but that smile is the result of weeks of blood, sweat and consideration. Another secret; guys feel left out. That's right, there's no special holiday for the ladies to show their appreciation for the men in their life. Men as a whole are either too proud or too embarrassed to admit it. Which is why a new holiday has been created. March 20th is now officially "Steak and Blowjob Day". Simple, effective and self explanatory, this holiday has been created so you ladies finally have a day to show your man how much you care for him. No cards, no flowers, no special nights on the town; the name of the holiday explains it all, just a steak and a BJ. Thats it. Finally, this twin pair of Valentine's Day and Steak and Blowjob Day will usher in a new age of love as men everywhere try THAT much harder in February to ensure a memorable March 20th! The word is already beginning to spread, but as with any new idea, it needs a little push to start the ball rolling. So spread the word, and help bring love and peace to this crazy world. And, of course, steak and BJ's.
  12. Send it to Att Mick Carruthers PO BOX 1054, Meadowbank NSW 2114 Ill post it back to ya the next day... or u can even pop in to the office 9-5 M-F
  13. Yeah i should have something similar... ill just give you one of every different type ive got and you can decide whats the best
  14. Australian coat of arms...... OfficialAnnouncement.doc Chinese take-away (oldie)
  15. Its no HID card... Its almost certainly a e5550 based card (which is even better -as ive got shit loads of them and they are easy to copy) They are used on PRX, UtraProx and Sirus card readers. I can give you the same cards or if you want something smaller ive got a proximity dot. (Its a small little dish about 12mm in diameter. I have mine stuck on the side of my car key or i can put it on a keyfob (as shown below) to go on your keyring. find better image and insert here... Just need to get it to me and and ill double check what the card is, but im 99% confidant i can do that one. And as i have plenty of those ill do it for FREE in what ever combo -(card, dot, dot on fob). Cheers Kero
  16. Normally you would need to add new cards to the system but if you have one working i can get duplicates so the system will not know the differencet. It all depends on the 'card type' - but i can do most of the common ones.... Key chain ones cost a little more but can easily be done Not to scare anyone off.. Im no building theif, and i don't want to know what building its for..... I am an engineer for an australian building access control system developing company. We/I have developed a system that reads almost all readers on the market. When contracts are won for buildings existing cards are usually sent to me to verify what type they are.... so if you ever need to get duplicates (for your own personal use) i can usually find out what they are encoded with and get them for you... Cost of $100 a card make me laught as the trade price is usually $2-5 dollars each.
  17. Hey Jimbo, I'll need more details but this is my specialty!!! 1. Do you know what type of proximity card (any labeling on the card or the reader). Need to work out what type or card it is first. 2. Once we establish what it is i need to get my hands on it to verify the data getting a duplicate is not usually a problem. Cheers Mick
  18. A wish for the difficult people in your life
  19. World Fastest Growing City Some US$ 90 BILLION (2005 EST.) projects are on-going in Dubai alone! 15% of the world tower cranes are currently in Dubai. Burj Dubai Tower - World tallest (2008) 800 meters: World Biggest Ski Dome (Within Mall of Emirates): World Largest Themepark: Dubai Land (2009) Features Real Size Dinosaurs Roam on Earth (Jurassic Park): World Largest "Palms" - Jumeirah Palm, Jebel Ali Palm, , The World, Deira Palm (Hidden): The World (Own an island for a price of US$ 7million/island)
  20. Things that will make you say... HOW???
  21. Some set up!! (PowerPoint Presentation) CaveOfWeed02crgf43.zip 5 signs that u in 'da hood'
  22. Men strike back! ! ! ! ! ! ! How many men does it take to open a beer? None. It should be opened when she brings it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman? Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do women have smaller feet than men? It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allows them to stand closer to the kitchen sink. ------------------------------------------------------------------ How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart? When she starts a sentence with "A man once told me..." ------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you fix a woman's watch? You don't. There is a clock on the oven. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Why do men fart more than women? Because women can't shut up long enough to build up the required pressure. ------------------------------------------------------------------- If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The dog, of course. He'll shut up once you let him in. ------------------------------------------------------------------ What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig? A woman who won't do what she's told. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I married a Miss Right. I just didn't know her first name was Always. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes a woman's sex drive by 90%. It's called a Wedding Cake. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Why do men die before their wives? They want to. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy. ------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning, God created the earth and rested. Then God created Man and rested. Then God created Woman. Since then, neither God nor Man has rested. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Send this to a few good men who need a laugh and to the select few women who know this is all bullshit anyway!
  23. Buying Bacardi Breezers in outback Oz! (Oldie - for those who did not have email back in 2002)
  24. Signage you dont see too often....
  25. I want to feel like a woman (oldie) PowerPoint Presentation man.zip
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