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Everything posted by IMPORTD

  1. phew snatch! Least you can take the comments in good humour enjoy your ride and be careful
  2. I'll prolly fill up before I park up at Hillary's Dale isn't attending. He just msg'd me. He has his very young daughter unexpectadly this weekend. Don't forget SUNSCREEN!!
  3. Rightio.. where's the BP that I asked for ? closest one to Hillary's is...???
  4. ok I'll pass this around to the rescue people I know Can you PM me a mobile number I can add to the email please.
  5. can't make the cruise
  6. What do you think will break her more... the flight or loosing the only family she's known for 8yrs?? go to your vet and seek advice. If she is healthy then she will fly fine. I know 3 dogs all elderly that made the trip from Paris, to canada, then to australia all in one big long flight... 2 drink stops and they are fine. As heartbreaking as it is for you, the dog will suffer more. Perhaps even die due to not eating through missing her family And please don't just leave her with anyone AND never advertise her as 'free to good home' There are people out there that will grab dogs that are FTGH and use them to train thier dogs to fight.
  7. Well Lee is MIA so I've sent a PM..
  8. oh and what is an AFM?
  9. well you can use my car if you still need one... Can meet you half way.. but has to be before 1pm
  10. Hey don't forget the girlfriends... There'll be too much testosterone flying around
  11. Lee what will they think of next
  12. aww man I've been on st georges tce 4 times in the last two days and haven't been spotted lol
  13. **does a little dance **
  14. lol Ska points for trying John sounds good. I'll PM you
  15. I'll PM you Dale. I'll turn right onto hepburn ave where you guys will go left to go down to Hillary's...just gotta pick up a friend Thats good news Lee.. fingers still crossed lol
  16. oh I just put Adrian Lee as accnt name.. Just put Heather Lee in ??
  17. K thanks Donating now
  18. No disprespect to Adrian and his family but can we have some more info? Is Adrian a silvia member ??
  19. they only going to tax gas soon anyways.. so why fork out all the $$$ to be hit with high gas price in 2years??
  20. yeah the instigator (sp?) can't pull out now!!
  21. thanks dan big thanks to Mitchy who taught me how to capture the screen Now nothings stopping me hahahaha
  22. I'm bored... Ok so you arrive at SAU and you want to search for a paticular thing... So you post the question only to be told "use the search" Here is how: You arrive at Skylines Australia Choose a subcatergory. I choose Western Australia: Scroll down to find the search feature: This is where you type in what you are looking for: ie: high flow turbo Next is the results of the search: And that my friends is what happens when you are bored ... I need a job lol
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