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Everything posted by IMPORTD

  1. spotted white S2 along queen victoria street in fremantle, you were travelling towards canning highway.
  2. spotted a gmg stagea along roe hwy tonight about 6pm. The dude was 40-50yrs age range and looked like he was talking to himself lol..... or singing!!
  3. i ran toyo's on my stagea too. and was very impressed.
  4. I have the original floor mats except the right rear passenger (if my memory serves correct) in good nic. never used while I had the car as I purchased the ones from the group buy (which went with the car) up for sale I guess. I have no use for them. make me an offer if interested.
  5. do a search on shudder, should come up with a few threads. from memory mine was during gear changes at high revs ( i think) just a girl remember lol
  6. spotted silver stag at my gym tonight. *** walks away wondering which body builder it belonged too*** ha ha ha
  7. message received. will see what I can do. your dog needs socialisation skills. Its not hard to do. my staffy girl doesn't like other dogs either...if you're desperate please take him to the Animal Protection Society... this is not the RSPCA. website is:- Animal Protection Society A non profit refuge for abandoned cats and dogs, located at 27 Talbot Road, Southern River 6110 Hours: 10am to 4pm seven days a week Phone/Fax: 08 9398 6616 Email: [email protected] http://www.animalprotectionsociety.westnet.com.au
  8. Dead Letter Circus
  9. i'd have to agree with chuckie... the stagea is far better for reliability. I thrashed my car at times, taken her down the drags too and not once did I do my gear box, unlike Mitchy who had only had the legnum a short while and managed to kill it... So I wouldn't touch the leggy's... stick with nissan.
  10. spotted a silver S2 at leighton beach (WA) today about 4:30pm. A brunette was getting into the car
  11. msg Drift. he might be able to help
  12. Chicks in skylines that think their shit don't stink... Get the f*k over ya selves!!!
  13. ^^^Hoon
  14. ha ha yeah thats it. I was surfing the net the other night but didn't book mark it. good thing that its that simple.
  15. whats wrong with individualism Eric?
  16. OMG i just noticed the size of the cannon on that ugly thing oh and spotted the stag up in front
  17. Here we go, its not a mongoose, its a BMX Jag nickel plated Now to find that vintage BMX site LOL
  18. omg hahahah R32line that sure is whacky.. think the stagea is much better looking
  19. Sickening Mother F*&kers! oh and just because it was sent to WA rspca, doesn't mean it happened here..
  20. yes this bike is from the 80's. I'll get some pictures on the weekend.
  21. spotted my stag driving away on friday night
  22. is the ceffy and the R31's AWD??
  23. what did you get Kirstie?
  24. I have G4's... they are good and handle great.
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