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Everything posted by stealthassasin

  1. Cant beat that Man Love..... Would have been better though if they had doned the ass lees leather cow boy suit
  2. No idea what they are using the cars for, but it would seem that they are targeting good getaway cars.
  3. Hi guys, Just a warning to anyone selling their cars. I read the other day that someones S15 got stolen in a violent fashion. Well i was just told about a similar thing that happened yesterday to a guy around the corner from me (mitcham area). He had 2 guys come to inspect his HSV Senetor, it was all good, they seemed nice enough and they were driving a Porsche Boxster. They all went for a test drive in the HSV then they pulled over, the owner was hit by some kind of Tazer/Stun Gun and thrown out of the car.. They left the Porsche behind but it turns out that was stolen too. So be very careful people as this seems to be getting common
  4. ( I dont think this is advertising a business, but im sure someone will let me know if it is) A few people i know offered to hire a set of R34 Non xenon headlamps off me so they can get their car complied with them and then put their Xenons back in afterwards. I have a Brand NEW set that i have already converted the wiring loom so they are plug and play $500 cash for the hire and $1800 deposit is what i worked out with them. ($1800 is what they cost me new from Nissan when i bought them, but its just a deposit that you get back when the lights are returned) If any one else is interested let me know.
  5. I am a VIC Signitory, you also need a Automotive qulification being either a mechanic, Panel Beater, Auto engineer ect...
  6. An answer to all your questions as i am a VIC signitory for a RAWS company. All thes Answers are based on the fact it is a personal import If it is coming in under RAWS then the car has to be COMPLETLEY STANDARD 1. If the car has a rollcage, can it still pass ADR's? NO, un less it is welded in and does not pass the front driver head Keep in mind if it is a bolt in unit you can just removbe it and re-fit it later 2. Do top mount turbos also pass? Yes, if it still passes emmission 3. in respect to the first two questions, realistically, what mods will i be able to keep and which ones have to be replaced with stock items, taking personal import leniency ( if you could call it leniency, that is )? All mods must be removed before the car can be complianced 4. I have noticed a downward trend in GTR values of late, yet id like to hear what you think one would be worth with all the fruit? It is worth what ever the buyer will pay for it, if you have the right car R32 can still fetch good money as they are getting old and collectable 2 months ago i know that was sold for $35K Keep in mind that there are also alot here on the market for under $20k just due to the fact they are very average 5. If possible can anyone give me a ballpark figure on what it would cost once all is said and done and the thing is on the road back in oz? Depends excuse the sarcasim How deep is a hole?
  7. yeah, but im looking at getting it for the missus due to the fact she cant drive manual. Bloody useless
  8. Just a question to all you EVO owners? I have driven more than my fair share of nearly the whole range of EVO's to know how awsome they are. But I have not driven nor been in a tiptronic version. (These were only relesed in EVO 7). Just wondering if any of you guys have one or have been in one with tiptronic. and if so is it as much of a let down as the R34 tiptronic (dont mean to offend any tiptronic R34 owners, but being a manual driver, the tiptronic doesnt impress IMO)
  9. Im hoping mine converts itself into a Ferrari 360 Mondena while its parked in the garage one night
  10. My neighbour got caught driving when he was 16 (he got caught speeding doing 75 in 60 zone) He was not able to get his P's until 21. He turned 21 3 days ago. He is booked in at vicroads to go for gis licence this week
  11. yo, is neone gona change my name??????
  12. Hey guys, can someone please change my username to something else as i am no longer a part of the company CARIZMA and do not want any confusion fromother members thinking i am as i keep getting messages from people. cheers new names ninja stealthassasin shadow
  13. Mate if you want someone a bit closer to you in Nunawading, give me a buz and i will let you know where and who. They are near Bunnings
  14. legally It doesnt pass ADRs Some ADR extracts ADR 13/00 25 No lamp fitted to vehicle has visibility obstructed 26 Angles of visibility as per sample vehicle evidence ADR 42/04 5 No dangerous projections they are just 2 ADRs off the top of my head
  15. Bass Junky is correct, it is actually for the Front windscreen demisters. Not all R34s come with it as it was an option. If your car has the original windscreen, you will see the demistera near the wiper blades
  16. You serious? What ya goin to Crapney for?
  17. Take it from a car Dealer, Warranty is pointless. Just make sure you have an indapendant inspection done from anyone other than RACV. (they are tools) If you get it inspected then you know what you are buying, If the person or company wont let it be inspected (within reason, ive had people try to get me to take the car to places over 1 hours drive away, not gonna happen) then walk away as they are hiding something. This is the beauty of buying cars that are already here in Australia.
  18. Sorry bud, but its a 98,99 or early 2000 model at the latest, unless for some strange reason the owner changed his bar and Engine cover to the older model.... In which case it could be a 2001
  19. I can not stress enough on not to use RACV. If you want to use a big name company for an inspection, use VACC, otherwise get a private qualified mechanic that you trust.. I deal with vehicle inspectors everyday of my life and RACV should be on a current affair or something for the lack of workmanship
  20. I can garantee you its the speed chime, Take it off completely. They usually dont work properly anyway. but pull it off as they are shit. It wont be causing your power drain though
  21. Thanks for speaking on behalf of all of the RAWS workshops, but i can promise you that by us Importing any modified Car, and putting it back to standard is totally leagal and within the guidelines of RAWS. It is actually stated that all modified coponents must be removed. Now as far as what the owner of the car does with his Aftermarket Parts that have been removed (They do not have to be destroyed as some wrokshops will have you beleive or actually beleive themselves, as it conflicts with civil law of the coponent not actually owned by the RAW for them to destroy, we have been to court over this topic) is entirely out of the RAW control. So thanks for the concern but please do not put anyone down or say they are breaking laws ect... until you know the facts, and even then it is not a good idea to put people down
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