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Everything posted by Jay019

  1. just a quick rushed shot as i was walking to the bus stop in the morning.
  2. couldnt help myself...
  3. sad day today. harris scarfe in the city closed down for good. i remember the first time i went to that store when i was 15. 20 years later and im watching it dissapear. at first i thought that was a long time to see a store operate, but it opened back in 1877 so yeah, i didnt see a lot of its history at all. 134 years operating at the same premises blows my mind, specially in this day and age of businesses coming and going within months. took this HDR the other day but didnt process it. wasnt happy that it didnt line up too good. sucks not being able to use a tripod to do it properly, but they are just quick snapshots as i ride by. and a tasty BMW spotted down a side street...
  4. huh, its only my second post this month or something yeah? EDIT: oh, ok, posted photos 8 times not really feeling the photography vibe this month, restarted my career and been concentrating on that instead. still need to shoot a decent b&w for the month. will see what i can do today seeing its my day off (yay)
  5. oh, quick shot of my bike also...
  6. maybe all the brains have been eaten? iunno some random shots spotted this morning. coincidently I had the most rad day today, lol. sooooo busy, wish i knew how many k's i covered cause i was all over the place.
  7. ^ my bouy!
  8. my local creek got besanko'd
  9. havent been taking too many decent pics this month. just not inspired i guess. a few 'nature' shots. Stuffed up the framing on this one, lol
  10. the creek near our house has been dry for a while now, was good to see it getting a nice flush through today... i'll have to look into some gumboots so I can get a better angle, lol.
  11. im too lazy to even click on the link. . . . ah, what the hell... *click* hey, you know Jonnie Fritz from the Old Exhange. I've still got a few photos up there at the moment. Small world.
  12. no, i cant resist. when i saw the pic on the screen and noticed the graff I was praying it worked out, lol. and lol, i only spray in tunnels where the world doesnt have to put up with my lack of skills
  13. not this J surely? ive still got a lot to learn for example... trying to find good angles for shots of bikes. so many things to consider, like angle of wheels and where the heck do you sit the pedals and cranks??? lol also shot this one of my step son on his new bike this evening... i had to stop at the bottom of all the hills to wait for him, even though I didnt pedal at all, just rolling. good to see he likes to take it easy, not like me, haha.
  14. dude!!! thats freaking awesome! i feel un-south australian for not knowing about this, lol.
  15. not a real fan of v8 supercars and stuff, but send me a message when your over
  16. nah rAdelaide
  17. first photo (well non urban art photo) for march spotted this fox on my way home. was walking up the darlington hill (prick of a hill that one) and yeah it sounded like a dog was chasing me, haha. by the time i had the camera out he was well on his way over the hill. and a few shots of urban art found around the place. check out the 'new' panos of some old school walls at http://photos.jay019.com/urbanart/panormamas.php who would put penguin stickers up around town??? looks like someone liked my idea of leaving photographic artworks around the city for people to enjoy. bit of a tip tho mate, make them a decent size, lol. i chucked A4 prints up none of this quarter of a 6x4 crap, lol
  18. one of my last shosts of feb was hoping the spider who lives there would rock up for a photo kinda sucks having no work, not a lot of cool stuff to photograph around my house, lol.
  19. the second one is in focus, the focus point is the rear windscreen tho. with the first one turn the car wheels so the face of the rim is facing the camera instead of the tyre its not as in focus either. maybe try stopping the lens down a bit more too as 1.8 open wide isnt always that great for car shots as the DOF is a bit too small except for detail shots. still pretty cool though, wish i wasnt so lazy keen as to do night photos but never have the motivation to get out there and do it, lol.
  20. spotted this little guy hanging around on a bridge i walk under to get home... i have a new found respect for masters of macro photography. to get real good you would need to be looking at tons of creepy crawly things very close up very often. stuff. that. lol.
  21. yeah, stupid tree. that third one rocks tho.
  22. the sign on the left? other than that it looks awesome to me. great set actually.
  23. Nah I wasn't getting paid, which is where it all went bad I guess. It was costing too much (both time and money) traveling around to all the events.
  24. havent photographed drift in almost a year and still finding shots of mine being used around the place... cost me a few hundred dollars to give away that photo, haha.
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