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Everything posted by Jay019

  1. that sucks kory, the quality of your photos kills the quality of some togs that i know will get accreditation. i didnt bother to get it again this year cause well, i dont have a dslr anyway, and because having cams did absolutely nothing to help me earn any money. at the end of the day i wasted $4000 of our life savings on a career that was never going to happen. i guess you live and learn tho.
  2. you could also use a program called GIMP which is free and legal to dowload if you cant afford photoshop. http://www.gimp.org/
  3. storm clouds photo looks sweet. almost like a mushroom cloud, lol. nice work.
  4. man, those snow shots are the bomb farris! you make it look fun, even though i know i'd hate it. not much of a fan of cold weather, haha.
  5. looked it up, saw the price and decided to stick with photomerge in photoshop, lol. would probably work better if i manually de-pincusion all shots first, but meh, its only graff shots and im not making money from them.
  6. haha, i know what you mean. i regret not stopping a few times too when ive seen awesome stuff, specially this one shot at dusk that would have been epic as I've never seen a similar scene since. makes me want to just go driving in the country a lot more but i just cant afford to. ah well. anyway, a couple more from me... and ive been trying to take more closeups of graff. really hard to work out how to frame it properly tho, I guess i'll just keep practicing every time im near awesome graff that is heaps technical. added some more graff panoramas to my website ( http://photos.jay019.com/graffiti/panoramas.php ) makes me wish i had a DSLR and a real T&S lens tho, photoshop takes ages with all the geometric distortion correcting it has to do. doesnt help that P&S cameras pincusion images badly. ah well, makes it more of a challenge, lol.
  7. point & shoots are all you need oh and with your car pic, make sure the face of the front wheels are facing towards the camera or it just doesnt look right
  8. love that sunset one 89CAL. im a fan of contre-jour... was december 31, but shhhhh, dont tell anyone couple more of mine from this month... lol, me and the kids reflecting in town "To whoever wants this. Enjoy. Half left in the can. It is clean. Have a good one!" er, sounds like a trap to me. roofie anyone, lol. Sorted out my website so it can display panos now so... (click for panos, probably better to load in new tab/window) (please excuse the pincushioning due to P&S lens, lol. graf lines up reasonably well tho) check out the rest if you like... http://photos.jay019.com/graffiti/panoramas.php EDIT: Matt, like the update, but... Spacing of the text in the right hand column is out. might be the css for the images not giving any right spacing? no errors tho, so all good
  9. i had to convert the shot of the drill bit to black and white tho cause i couldnt get colors to look right. the light i was using was a fluro with a very pink cast and i was too lazy to set my own K level. i really should have shot it in RAW and fixed it while converting it, but yeah not really how i roll with the point and shoot as for the ute erection, bwhahahaha. i would have put it in the tray or something myself. ah nice, will have to keep my eyes open for next year. win anything? been a while since ive been able to get out and shoot at night, but got desperate trying to get a pic for my 365 day project... yesterday was cool, was watching my little boy riding his bike and got a quick snap of him. he loves that bike and wants to ride it every day. so glad i thought to buy it for him. the three wheeler it replaced was awful, the cranks were so short that he couldnt pedal it at all, only push it along. this one he can pedal and get up a little bit of speed on too.
  10. sorry for the dampener of mood this month, i guess life is like that at times. cheers for your thoughts tho, much appreciated. barraspalding, how do you fit presents under that tree? my son wanted a mini xmas tree this year, I couldnt find one for him anywhere tho oh, unlucky! sorry it aint the best shot, the background was a little bright and i was on my way to picking up more work. havent done much with the camera lately with xmas and me being a bit slack, lol. heres a few tho... xmas eve and the xmas spirit is ready for a big day the day after xmas, haha! was looking for a drill bit in the shed and found this rusty old banger. knew i had to take a pic of it when i saw the number embossed on it. first time taking panning shots of cars since selling the DSLR gear. the light weight of the P&S is a bit of a disadvantage, but managed to get this one at 1/50th of an old fella enjoying his pride and joy
  11. Pieces short for 'masterpiece' tags are those scribbles done mostly by toys with no talent, lol.
  12. Thanks for your thoughts. We are getting there slowly. I've been taking everyone out to get out the house and stop minds from dwelling. It's one of those things that will just take time. Some pics from the past few days... Nearly gave up on the 365 day project. Took this shot while feeling unmotivated and the family said it shows pretty much how they feel at the moment. Took the kids out to see the 'pretty paintings' so got to get some nice pics of graff for the first time in the past couple of months. Took this one today while checking up on one of the hotspots near my place. Nothing new there, but spotted this can on the way back to the car.
  13. Day 059: December 17, 2010 One of the hardest days of my partners life. Her mom Kay MacKenzie passed away at 1.05am after a long battle with cancer. As sad as it is that she had to leave, it is also reassuring to know that she is no longer in pain or suffering. Todays photo is dedicated to you Kay. (first time using photomerge in photoshop. keen to do more with it)
  14. LOLvo's are pretty rad. Ah yeah your right, I should have remembered that from when my son had overnight oxymetry tests while trying to work out what was wrong with him. Stuff monthly blood tests man, no way I could handle that. I guess you could get used to it, maybe? Nah never had a blood gasses test. I try and avoid hospitals/doctors as much as I can, lol.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_EOS_1000D says it has a self cleaning feature, so have a look through your manual. my D90 had a feature where it would clean the sensor each time it was turned on.
  16. there is quite a lot of places I cant go if I dont wear a shirt not weird, manly
  17. awesome pics in this thread! barraspalding: dont give up on the bokeh hood shots yet. i think the key is to have something close to the lens that you can focus on while letting the lights in the background defocus. i only ever took one bokeh hood shot... http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs224.snc1/7117_1163661644805_1025781561_30413286_6467213_n.jpg (linked as it wasnt taken this month) I should try again one day, but im know for being slack, haha. we were going to get one as a family car but needed more room, so we went for the Elgrand instead. havent been in the best of moods lately. had a toothache and ended up taking too much nurofen which landed me in hospital with chest pains. i was hoping it was nothing worse and the ECG came back fine so that was a huge relief. couple of pics i took while sitting around all day... always wondered how an LED and a sensor could detect a pulse rate. modern technology huh. i HATE needles so you can imagine how much i loved getting this put in, haha. who let the gorilla out the zoo? and my partner is going through a very rough time at the moment. wont go into detail, but the situation sucks hard. With any luck some light can shine through our dark situation
  18. This would be an awesome shot with a bokeh hood. I need to make on up for the G11
  19. cheers miss_petepie. yeah whenever im in these lifts with parallel mirrors i always wave my arms around watching all my clones copy me, haha. and didnt get any more '19' pics today, been a bit busy. got these few tho... i think the quality is falling off a bit as I'm getting back into just working soon as i saw the sticker in the back window i thought i better get a quick pic, lol.
  20. Sidd, it was my first ever courier number and the age I was when I first started that job. Was all I heard over the radio for 8 hours a day so it kinda stuck. from today... will have to give this another shot and see if i can get it right. not too keen on the framing. reckon i could do better, but some impatient woman was wanting to use the lift. by the look of her the stairs would have been a better choice. i didnt just say that, lol.
  21. been getting busier at work so not been taking as many pics. will probably just get busier for a couple of weeks before it dies in the ass and i have too much free time. so heres a few more for now. not sure i got the angle of this right, but it was the only way to make it work without other little distractions creeping into frame. i know i could clone stuff out, but im lazy haha ive got a folder full of photos of the number 19 on facebook, its got over 30 pics in it so far, lol. got ticket number 19 legitimately today. also noticed that the registry office is directly opposite courtroom 19, just a couple of floors below it. that spun me out a bit, haha. really wish i had my shit together for this shot. would have been an epic shot if i had got it just a second or two earlier. was awesome watching the sun come out from behind the clouds. hard to describe but a video would have been amazing.
  22. You make that xrshit look xlnt
  23. love those shots of your fish and tank setup sidd. wish i had my waterproof back on the gopro yesterday for those epic storms we had in adelaide. while riding back into the city from the burbs i was riding through water up to my knees, was hilarious. couple of shots from today... my favourite floor in all of adelaide been uploading them to my site a bit more regularly... http://photos.jay019.com/bike019/ also worked on a new voting system. simple one this time, its a thumbs up or a thumbs down. I also got asked to display some of my photos at next years fringe festival here in adelaide. so if you have time vote up a few of the shots you think would be good in the display. the display is called 'shoot the messenger' and is basically a showcase for all the messengers who do artistic stuff like photos, music, painting etc. pretty excited to be a part of it and cant wait to see my stuff on display. will be funny though as it is all shot on a point and shoot while the 3 other togs will be displaying stuff shot on D/SLR's.
  24. Yay, upgrade looks awesome on my iPod touch!
  25. haha. ok, the story is... i applied for a job as a bike courier and the first company that hired me gave me the number 19. i was 19 at the time also. so for the next few years all i ever responded to over the radio was the call to 019. wasnt long before that number became me and things just got out of hand, haha. and to keep up the unhealthy obsession... all taken this month (today actually) to stay legal in this thread i should start a '019' album and see how many photos i can fill it with... or maybe i should just see a psych, haha. oh, and for those who are interested... i turned 34 this year.
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