Nice dude!
Only thing I would suggest (and im surprised it wasnt mentioned yet) is to diffuse the light source you are using to avoid the stripey effect your getting, where you can see each individual LED as a single line in the group (unless you dont mind that effect, in which case dont listen to me, lol)
Other than that matching the different light color temps is something you could work on. You have the warmer tungsten lighting in the interior of the car and then the colder LED lighting on the outside. You could probably adjust the color temps in PP if you shoot raw or take one shot for the warmer light (tungsten white balance) and one shot for the colder light (fluro or thereabouts white balance) and then blend them together in post. Again, if the different color temps dont bother you then no need to listen to me, lol)
The framing is awesome and love the red from the tail-lights, very nice.
Matt, that second shot is messing with my head man, im trying to work out how the car got so blue considering the lighting in the rest of the scene. its like a motion light painted shot or something? *brain expoldes, lol*