Sic ride cuz!
Would u b intrested in a swap 4 my fully sic 180sx? I would expect u 2 add a bit of extra cash for my troublez and considering that mine is an auto and yours is just a manual. Also my sic ride has got 4 stud hubs so it be heaps quick yo 2 change da rimz. I b tellin yew more about my sic ride so u can realize what a lucky dog u r.
1stly its got a mad neon set up that used to be in full fully decked out PC but then when my other sic mates started gettin into cars i thought i had better 2. I dunno much about carz but I drive it for the cewl image and da CRED. All the chicks dig it when i cruize around their skools yo. Anywaz, i stick the cewl neon light set up out of my bitchin PC which i sometimes play World of Warcraft on with my net mates, on my sic as 180. So now me ride flashs n it iz bitchin. Other Modz: I got all my inspiration from sic az mags like Hot4s and fast fors so my ride is all class n lets me exprezz my indidualizm. It rides on sweet AME Modelart rimz cos i saw them on about 10 hot 4 cover cars. I don't really like them but since my mates like them then i thought i betta get em 2 to imprezz my mates.
Yo haz your ride got thoze kewl windscreen washer lights? My ride does. I got dem 4 da IMAGE. My ride has also got a sik kit. Got a sic as rexy scoop and an evo 6 front bar. By da way, there iz no hole cut unda da rexy scoop coz it woulda cost 2 much. Spent da saved cash on ma engine conversion.
Engine modz - Ripped out that sr20det n upgraded 2 a ca18de. No turbo tho coz i wanna save on fuel so i can cruise 4 longer around da high skool so all da chiks can dig ma ride. Itz all sweet tho coz i got me one of dem sik az speaker set upz in ma engine bay that makes a blow off valve sound when eva i change gear so itz no one knowz that it doeznt have a turbo anymore.
B4 a let ya hav ma ride tho i wanna get a pic of it in riders rides in hot4s. that way more chicks can dig my awsome cr8tion, n then sleep with me. I normally pic all da hot chicks up off da internet when im playin world of warcraft but iv already slept with them all in world of warcraft so i thought i should try it in the real world now.
Im gunna need an inspection of your ride b4 i let u sell it 2 me. I liv in Bankstown with ma parents so if ya could organize for it 2 b brought down here so i could check it out, kick ya tyres n shit, then yeah.