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Everything posted by sickem555

  1. Sorry to hear u lost ur ride, l hope u get it back in one piece. Good luck Bro Andrew
  2. Let us know how u go, l might be interested as well. Cheers Andrew
  3. I am very jealous Nice work m8 All you need now is a big glass case to store ur car in Cheers Andrew
  4. Depends on ur budget and what you want out of a car. I have driven the new golf (around 50K new), this is one exciting car. Even the EVO Tommi Mack's are around 35K at the moment. The Nissan Z are a fun car to drive. Just to name a few. Cheers Andrew
  5. We saw something simular along the Hume a few years back, but they were throwing crap at us. So we sped up, we were pulled over for speeding and the cops did nothing about the idiots throwing crap at us. But life goes on Andrew
  6. Took my dad for a spin in my car, and gave him some grog chocies. Andrew
  7. Seeing l am from Geelong l will meet u down there. Would be great to see some of u guys down there. Cheers Andrew
  8. John Bowe Driver training. They have courses throughout the year, either at Calder Sandown or Phillip Island. Cheers Andrew
  9. 46% Evil You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side. Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination. Andrew
  10. Gold Andrew
  11. Agreed the Gov gave the ok to use Ethanol, to help reduce the price of fuel and yet this is more expensive. What Crap! As most of you guys, if ur running stock ECU u will not notice much of a difference. If you just buy an aftermarket ECU and tune to this fuel, ur not acheiving much. Unless ur going to be doing some other big mods. Personally l have turned off the shell optimax, l have found most of the time the alternatives from Caltex and BP have been cheaper. Cheers Andrew
  12. Welcome ^^^^Everyone has some good advise up there^^^^^^ Enjoy ur stay Cheers Andrew
  13. If u go to the Shell Website, it will has a current list where to go Extreme. There is also a list which cars can / cannot use it. Not sure for u guys, but some subies cannot use this fuel. Cheers Andrew
  14. Well l know more places in Geelong than MElb?? Andrew
  15. Try EKW. Cheers Andrew
  16. Have u got a hand controller. If so you do not need to waste ur money. The hand controller for the Power FC shows all the info u will eva need. Cheers Andrew
  17. sickem555

    Deca Wind Up

    Sounds like u all had a ball. I am not missing the next one. Andrew
  18. U got to drive on the Great Ocaen Road, plus l live nearby. There are even better roads l know of that makes the great ocean road seems placid. Cheers Andrew
  19. Beau's top end of Elizabeth St is good. Very good prices. Cheers Andrew
  20. Good luck, l have a rabbits foot and a horse shoe if u want. Cheers Andrew
  21. Age and myself would like to know if ur need of a couple of apprentices for the next event. I had to ask Cheers Andrew
  22. At least it is a bit closer to home Cheers Andrew
  23. next will be a Nulon's Weak Octane booster for WRX owners to prevent Gearboxes from blowing up. You cannot handle the power. Oooopppssss did l say that out loud All well Andrew
  24. Great pics You do not need specs, you just need to hang on..........wwwwwooooooohhhhhhhhhhhooooooooooooooo Andrew
  25. Great stuff m8 Still cannot believe u get paid for this Did you at least get the phone number's for the models Cheers Andrew
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