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Everything posted by anticeptik

  1. I think i read somewhere 2.5 k delivered to your door, i thought it was more along the lines of what you were saying though. If i remember i think slidewize said that. Could be wrong though been a while
  2. Thou shall not complain about thy defects, nor waste ones time reading thy shyte. harden thy bollockseth upeth edit hahahaha lol at "gosh darn" edit again: lmfao im not going to use my potty mouth again
  3. Flutter or stock bovs ftw
  4. Hmm im keen on that air vent, and fuse box cover coin thingo. Is there a time limit till how long you can get these, cos im strapped for cash for the next few weeks, but im real keen
  5. I know r34 turbos have bakelite, not to sure if the series 2 came out with backelite front wheels. Check on the rear housing for 0P6 that will deterime if its a r34 turbo.
  6. Ho much did that actually set you back to your door?
  7. Just quick bit of info on o2 sensort i have the standard red black white and on the other side i have 2x brown 1 x black
  8. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Asap-t206224.html FIguered some one might see it and run out and tell me which wires go where just in case there loom is different
  9. Ok i got a rb20det ceffiro and my standard zip tie has snapped on the o2 sensor and the plug has landed onto the rear housing of the turbo and melted it. the 3 wire colours dont corespond either side, can some one check for me which one is which. Need to know this asap.
  10. Ok just slapped a actual r34 turbo on f**k sake took long enough with the dramas. tuned it and got this
  11. Up baw baw where i blew a turbo and had to pussy foot around?
  12. Not to sure on the price of the half cut, 3-4k? But if you did all the work yourself, pretty straight forward, id say 4000 is a good budget thats just an aproximate guess though
  13. Ok, i had what i thought was a r34 turbo on my ceffy but it proved not to be and it has shat itself, Took her off to take her down to mtq to pick up a rebuild kit to find out garrett dont make a rebuild kit, so basicly its a giant paper weight now. I need my car back in the next couple days and i have a t3 off a vlt i used on my r31 a while back and i have a t3 i high flowed out with t04b front and rear. Are these any good on a rb20, id imagine the highflow would be a touch laggy, not after power as such but seeing as i got it i thought its better than a kick in the balls. Or should i just suck it up and save for a gt series turbo
  14. It has "O4U" on the rear houising
  15. Yeah well im in the process of pulling it out right now, all undone just got to take finish take off banjos. so ill check the rear housing when its off
  16. Just a quicky, which standard turbo comes out with "16v 12" cast with the housing. Cheers I thought i had a r34 turbo but ive been infromed the have "0P6" on them and i cant see it anywhere so its obviously not.
  17. Ok long story short i know exactly this much about diffs other than how to weld and blow them... nothing. I got a ceffy turbo manual, pressumably with a r200. Before i go wasting my money to find it doesnt fit will a 1.5 nismo diff in r200 with 6bolt shafts. Fit in ? Excuse my ignorance.
  18. Some guy asked me if my car was a rare saab once does that count... i just agreed.
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