I'd be interested in the top three models, but no where near that price, since I bought a unisia jecs and calsonic old mold kyosho r32 skyline on ebay for 80$ each or so.
Half the time I think about selling my car myself, Still a great car to drive and puts a smile on my face when I drive it, but its been such a money pit. Which is why so many people have gone I suppose.
You can source a new gts4 tailshaft from nissan japan, but of course it is around 1200$, after a lot of BS that I went through, I had my one piece replaced with the standard gts4 two piece.
taking a bit of a punt here, but have you checked your thermostat? Seem to remember hearing that can be a possible cause, might be worth doing a search on that as well.
Not sure of the times I got but had fun, after sitting in johns car though, I realised my brakes are shithouse and I think they would be my next mod to the car when next I do some.
Thanks again to the organisers, had a great time, after sitting in johns car during a session, I now know I need much better brakes. Thankfully the car held up, and my better half had a good time
I havent payed as of yet, but will do so shortly. Just getting some work done to the car and wanted to ensure that it was ready to go, before I booked. I take it we're fine to post this around some other forums to get some interest?
Hey Paragon
Seriously interested in your semi slicks, and will pay the asking price, depending on what I hear back re my old semi slicks tomorrow. I take it your in canberra as well? Although I might be wrong, in anycase if your in canberra I can do local pickup.
If your looking at getting your engine rebuilt I'd also look at sydney. As there is a wealth of knowledge up there as well, and I think your limiting yourself if you don't at least consider getting it done up there. CRD seems to have a good rap up there. Having sorted out a lot of GTRkats issues with her rebuild.
yeah basically a removable muffler, although it will be pretty obvious to the inspector you wont have the exhaust on the car for long. its the size of a peashooter.