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Everything posted by CeJay

  1. No one normally starts showing up until at least 9:30 9:45
  2. Grevilea Park in Russell, look it up in google maps or in various posts in this thread. I may show up in the daily.
  3. They look like they fill the guards nicely? I take it no huge issues with fitment?
  4. what size and width are those wheels? Also what are they exactly? btw nice car, and peak's is bloody sweet as well.
  5. Still troubleshooting some vibration issues on my car, and was wondering if anyone had a spare R32 GTR or GTS4 tailshaft I could borrow? (stock two piece) Either temporary or purchase outright. Car is going back in to a shop in sydney shortly, and it would be good if I could line this up just in case.
  6. I can only describe it as a regular vibration (something related to rotation) which you could feel throughout the car Varies at different revs. It's nothing at all like a wheel alignment vibration. It was originally only going when in gear, but on a recent test drive after the clutch and flywheel were done it started doing it when it was in neutral and coasting as well. If nothing else thanks for some of the tips, I will talk to the shop it is going back to. I'll do some searching re subframe bushes etc as well, thanks for the heads-up. If anyone in Sydney has a spare GTR tailshaft I could borrow that would be good. Unfortunately I cant check any of this stuff myself as the car is in sydney but I will get it followed up. Might ask for the tailshaft to be balanced, I find it hard to believe it is out of wack after 5 months though (new tailshaft) But at this stage I will check anything. The shop in canberra I had the car at initially was telling me the gap was 0mm, but the sydney shop said the tailshaft length was fine. At this stage I am just getting really fed up with the whole run around, as I am getting two vastly different opinions from two shops that have worked on the car. One in canberra and one in Sydney.
  7. mad props to you for following your dream.
  8. 5 seconds on google gives you this http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=crd&sll=-33.754031,151.056519&sspn=1.525415,2.90863&ie=UTF8&hq=crd&hnear=&ll=-33.82351,151.049137&spn=0.095263,0.181789&z=13&iwloc=D
  9. Hi All After a reputable sydney tow truck company to do a tow lidcombe to Seven hills. Any recommendations would be good.
  10. I'm pretty sure it's a stock flywheel. I do have some more questions for people here if they can help. In regards to a one piece tailshaft is there supposed to be play in the tailshaft? ( back and forth?) If so how much (20mm ?) If the tailshaft is too long can it damage or perish the pinion bearing in the diff? Ie by putting pressure on the bearing? ( I have been told by a shop my vibration may be the diff going) If the vibration is there when the clutch is engaged as well I take it that points to a diff or tailshaft issue
  11. Shagged clutch, shagged flywheel Supposedly all 4 diff bushes torn/ stuffed. Shop up in sydney I had it at appears to think the car was thrashed. Car still needs work done to it as vibration is still there and not all work could be done before christmas. Only had two bushes replaced. Cant look at the car myself as it is still up in sydney.
  12. good to see it aussie registered
  13. Not sure they'll do 10% but try solartint in belconnen.
  14. Probably a bit of a stupid question but is the 044 an intank pump?
  15. Current shop has said nothing about the spigot bush or input shaft being the problem. I don't think either should, as the input shaft was replaced with an r33 item at the time of the rebuild. The vibration only occured when the car was underload. There was no vibration when in neutral or with the clutch engaged. I had thought it was a stock rebuilt clutch, modified ala Jim berry style. It's a push type gearbox and clutch. I'll ask the shop if they noticed any other signs of damage on the bellhousing. The shop has taken a full set of pictures for me and has set the old clutch aside. Previous shop told me they didn't inspect the clutch or take it off. Clutch wasn't slipping at all. Current shop has advised me they had no issues taking the tailshaft out, and they didn't think the tailshaft was too long, they installed the gbox and tailshaft in the first place. I am a bit suprised that this being the third time the gbox has been out in 4 months, that a stuffed clutch was only picked up now, I had thought that was something a shop would look at when the gbox was out. For the simple fact they could charge me for more work etc.
  16. Looks like my car is getting a new clutch and possibly flywheel. Like I havent already spent enough this xmas.... ah well
  17. Car is up in sydney. Gearbox out, have now been told the clutch is completely shagged, worse he has ever seen supposedly. So far havent been able to find anything wrong with the tailshaft. Flywheel also has scoring marks on it? Will talk to them tomorrow again. I am wondering though, can an incorrectly installed or wrong spigot bearing (or throwout bearing) cause clutch damage/wear? Had the gbox out 5000kms ago,and 3 weeks ago, and drove around 200kms with the vibration due to it being a daily and taking it to several shops for a look. And neither shop told me the clutch was fuba then so it has me mystified how the clutch could get that f**ked in so short a time. Will ask the shop more about their opinion on the tailshaft tomorrow.
  18. bumpski. Make an offer.
  19. market is pretty dead, seems to have been like that for ages now.
  20. Not to many GTS4's around, I take it it's a 2 door?
  21. Was just wondering if anyone here had the number for the skyline specialist wrecker, I believe the Business is called Skyline Wreckers or spares and he only deals in skylines. I can't seem to find the business in the yellowpages but I have been there before. Want to see if I can get some parts of him as my car will be being worked on closeby in the next few weeks.
  22. he still has his old tailshaft in his car. He is still running a gtr box without the front driveshaft. Looks like I'm resorting to getting the car transported to sydney to get fixed at the original installation place.
  23. Rwd r32 tailshafts won't fit a AWD car, but thanks for the tip.
  24. Hey Cris I might ring you about this tomorrow, but do you have your old GTS4 4wd tailshaft? As I assume your running a rwd tailshaft now? I am in dire need of one. thanks
  25. Second independent shop I took it to is now saying they think the tailshaft is too long. They tried a different gearbox mount and it made the vibration worse. They didn't take the gearbox out though. I find it all a bit baffling as it worked fine before. The only thing I can think of is that the tolerance of the tailshaft is so small that any slight misalignment or change in how the gearbox is mounted may be causing the issue. Or they installed the wrong throwout bearing. I am now thinking of taking it back to sydney to have the gearbox place that put the tailshaft in and rebuilt the gearbox have a look at it. And the place that built the tailshaft is just down the road from them.
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