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Everything posted by interkool

  1. Can anyone recomend a CD or something to learn the language. Ive seena few but VERY expensive. any recomendations? thanks!
  2. Well thats just stretched my budget out. i might as well look at getting an evo VII. Well i think i might definatly head for a manual now, as i didnt mind the tiptronic. I dont think the series II has enough difference to justify paying the extra money. thanks for that!
  3. going through the list of skylines found here http://www.motortraders.net/imports/select.asp?make=Nissan i noticed that there is an NM difference of around 30 between auto and manual models on the R34. why is that? I have also heard mention that there is a series 1 and series II in the R34 range? i couldnt find any details on that, can anybody help me? thankyou.
  4. thats concept has been around for a while now, wasnt sure if the pics where real or not but these look just like it. Definatly different, looks more sportier, i'd buy one if it drives like the other evo's.
  5. This is a 3d model that hasnt been finished yet, but i will show you my progress. I am thinking of doing a GTT next
  6. when will these cars stop get so powerful? when australia gets over populated and 206kw emission laws come in because no one can breathe?
  7. It sux because they start to create these new laws like confiscation and all that stuff because of these individuals. Although you deserve to have your car confiscated if your driving like a nut.
  8. why is it unreliable? an ECU is a computer without a screen, so It isnt much different. by the way if you disconect the laptop no one can steal your car. Well i have started to talking to a couple of people about it that can help make this possible. If any one has any helpful ideas, then please PM or add to this Topic. Thankyou for everything so far.
  9. Im starting to think 14 year olds drive skylines for some reason........
  10. LOL, a few good points. Of course the program being run via a PC would have no net access so you wont have anything on the laptop other then whats needed. So hopefully no stupid issues. Also the software will take into account what other parts are installed. Would this reduce dyno time by much? never used a dyno before. Theres idea is more for modifieing cars only. Not trying to sell it to Holden or anything But perhaps a laptop and an ECU and take away some of the features from the ECU leaving it with things like airbags, ABS and all the regular stuff. Once i get my car i am really going to look into this. If an ECU can be remapped that means the data can be stored, and then transfered to a laptop anyway. Another issue would be installing a "legit" version of windows... or maybee do it via linux these are just ideas people. SO thanks for your input so far.
  11. Heya, is it possible to use a laptop instead of ecu? If so there would be a hell of a lot of advantages, not to mention it would be cheaper for the equipment and tuning. Imagine getting a new part installing it, then installing the software that came with the part? sound possible? I dont know alot about cars so excuse me if its a silleh question. ta.
  12. OMFG. I would love to do that.
  13. actualy the car IS confiscated and impounded for 48 hours. if its over a weekend then it is 96 hours. plus a $400+ tow and impound fee, plus the fine for the offence. PHATR32. You get the third strike. My dad is a police officer and said they took away a driver's wife's company car. So it doesnt matter what you drive. You get the strike, and whatever your driving gets impounded, on the spot.
  14. being honust is too expensive these days.
  15. Somone was telling me that police officers had to pull a driver out of his GTR valued at ($100k) according to the news, so i am assuming its an R34. He was a repeat offender for speeding and had his car permanantly confiscated due to the new Hoon laws in Victoria. I dont know how exactly the story went so any corrections would be great. What do you people think about these confiscation laws?
  16. Thanks for everything so far. I've gone through alot of the j-spec ones. What sort of cost am i looking at after the car cost and import fee's? ie rego RWC? Does any body have an idea on a manuel conversion for GTT as well. THank you so much for everything so far.
  17. thanks for the info so far, the 206kw's is whats really got me now. What sought of price am i expected to pay. ive seen upto and $35k for 98 modelsand they where all similar, and i also know of someone who bought a 4Door Turbo for around $15k so whats the catch?
  18. heya people. I am looking to buy a new car, I wont be able to buy an Evo IX so i am going to settle for a Nissan for the time being I have had a liking for the R34 GTT models for a long time now, and am weighing up bewtween that and an S15 as they are similarly priced. I like the R34 for its rarity over the 200SX but performance wise ie money/performance im not sure between the 2. I have read that the R34 GTT came with 206kw but i thought that was the GTR model, so i cant work that one out. I was hoping someone could recomend me an importer, or more preferably a model thats already in Australia available to be test driven. I am based in melbourne. Thankyou
  19. that car in the video looks VERY 3D.
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