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Z32 Airlines

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Everything posted by Z32 Airlines

  1. pm me bank details and freight details and i'll take the air con unit. Haver you got pics so i can see condition pls?
  2. Selling one UniFilter for R33 GTST in brand new condition comes with all the brackets and stuff... It's GREEEN and I really want it out of the garage, cmon $60 ??
  3. Guys, time and other things now dominate and my leasuirely past time of taking my tinny out fishing has got to go, I'm sellin a 12ft aluminium flat bottom punt, has three bench seats, 3 X brand new life jackets, 2 X brand new anchors and ropes, has got 4 rod holders, buckets, jerry can for fuel and a early 90's model 4 HP Yamaha motor, runs perfectly and I use it fairly regularly, I'll also throw in the engine stand and bucket (to wash the motor out), I wash it out everytime I use it and had it stripped down and serviced about 9 mths ago, after about $1300 it's in top condition, pm for details, keen to sell.
  4. Saw nice grey 32GTS-T got a nod which was nice on Homebush bay drive near Hume Hwy, I was in the white 33.
  5. no worries, let us know how you go, if you need anything drop us a pm.
  6. Good stuff, thanks for the positive input guys and good to hear it may turn into a great outcome :-)
  7. EXACTLY, surely then Mr Pranky can sleep happily at night knowing he aint going to have a dozen bikies on his door in the morning or a summons to court...whatdya reckon Prank/Tosh?? Can it be done, methinks it can, not sure how but I think what Nick/I am saying would alleviate any major dramas and provide a good, handy community service to the Skyliners out there...
  8. Like Nick said, just polling would be sufficient, so if someone says they like jo bobs bum scratching mechanics at woop woop, they submit it to the poll as a good trader (mechanic or whatever). AM I thinking on the same track as you Nick?? You got the right idea though, I just cant put the right words to it...
  9. Prank, just allow voting, no posting if it can be done?? Maybe someone submits a workshop to be added to the "good mechanic" list, then let people poll on it anonymously? Jimbo you damn greedy!!! hehehe
  10. Nick you da man!! Thats what I'm talkin bout!!! Where do we go from here guys??
  11. I mean chances are if someone DOES take their pride and joy to some dodgy brother who pretty much just does chop and shut jobs on Hyundai's, he kinda deserves coping it for bein a tool but I mean 3 or 4 yrs ago, it was kinda only BD4's, CDR, Wogoli brothers, and some other big places that you really knew about, I mean if we can provide a method of helping people get their car worked on by professional and equipped import guys, can only be a good thing...as I said, needs alot of thought though.
  12. Now you're onto something Nick, I like your thinking!!!
  13. I Dunno jimbo, you kick the guys ass for screwin with your head???!?!? Hehehe Yeah guys, point taken no drama's, hehe should we have a naming convention for threads about positive experiences?? SO it makes it easier to search for em?? i.e Good Mechanic Experience - Blondie's Turbo Shop or whatever?? Hehe Nick Nathan was telling me on Saturday he's actually trying to visit the forums more regularly, if he see's this, Nathan discount for me!! hahahahah!! hehe
  14. Yeah I know Nick and can understand but unless my brain fart jibberish in my last post didnt specify, maybe we dont need to bother with a black list, yes people have different experiences at different workshops, but no need to even bother listing if you had a bad experience...only list if you personally had a good one, if you didnt, you dont list it and no one will be the wiser but if you did and you do list it, encourages others... At least gives people somewhere to start, I know I have spoken to guys who take their car to some dodgy brothers joint around the corner cos he doesn't even know of any import related mechanics other than CRD, BD4's and the obvious big ones who it may not be worth going to just for an oil change or something..??
  15. Well Tosh this is a good and worthwhile discussion and hopefully we got more responses and possibly a solution. I would assume from my past experience, if I have gone somewhere that was good on a recommendation from someone else, invariably I get looked after, much like I did when I went to Nath @ Grey Imports on Duncan's reco, I have found that if I go somewhere shit, chances are I'm not the only one that thinks so, possibly just need the moderators to keep and eye out but chances are that if someone has been to someone who has looked after them, it'd be unusual for the mechanic to give poor service, pricing whatever to someone else... I guess I'm saying majority rules. Maybe just let anyone know that if they wanna post a reply to this (the thread) that if they dis-agree with a recommendation they would be best to keep it hushed.
  16. Surely there's got to be someway legally to get around it, some loophole... I dunno some clause or something somewhere...or even how about for a long answer we say yes and simply list on some good guys??? That'd be enough, if we list the good guys people may go to them, then there's no need to list the nasty ones...??
  17. Hey anyone here think it would be possible for us to come up with a listing on Green (good) and Red or black (bad) mechanics in NSW for import work?? Just know that when I was hunting around, I had to kinda find people and didnt know em from a bar of soap, maybe like we compile a list of workshop name or something and then add a poll?? Is it do-able??? Not even necessary I guess to list names (personal) of people at a bad workshop, but more or less a list so if a noobee or even an oldie wants say a good auto electrician, I know I don't wanna take my 33 to the bloke down the road, know what I mean?? Prank etc thoughts???
  18. Howdy peep's, want to buy one Instrument cluster for the R33 GTS-T, speedo odometer boost guage thingy all in one, Manual and from a 93 model, pm me pls!!
  19. $10 for the chick sittin on it!! faaaaark she aight!
  20. Ok cool no worries, then lets see if we can do a deal, chat in a day or two, off to LA ciao!!
  21. "What sort of dodgy shit"... As Dunc said, just get someone to check it first, I'm selling my car, thats the reason for this post. heard many a story and seen first hand stuff like, getting out the drive and having the guy walk back saying stuff like "I can smell clutch burn and I accelerate, the smell gets stronger, AND it dont move!"...stuff like that, as well as things like putting dead battery's in AFTER you've taken it for a drive or something...
  22. Ahhhhh yes. :-) Consignment, Dunc can you pm me a list of guys you know that do it?? Worked on Parra Rd for a few months at a particular 2nd hand place at Croydon so got a bit of exposure to how they operate, effen dodgy shit!!!!
  23. Mr R33, What exactly are you looking for?? Will just help me know if it has what your after...
  24. Peoples, am this minute waiting for my flight to the U.S. for work, be back in a week, just advising that the vehicle will be available for inspection on the 24th and 25th July, gimme a pm if you want to see it, Boostd, got you down for a look, cheers.
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