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Everything posted by DaveO74

  1. So the bilsteins are still pretty harsh eh? I would have thought they would soak up the bumps and stuff ok. So should I just trim the bumpstops about an inch? Or more?
  2. I just read an old thread by SK on the dangers of using ultra low springs (320mm from centre of wheel to Guard i think) with standard shocks and the damage it caused and was wondering if the more knowledgable people out there can advise me on the Pros and Cons of putting the SK Group Buy Whiteline Springs together with the standard shocks for a little while. I already have all the other GB stuff (Bushes, Swaybars etc) just cant afford the Bilsteins just yet. As the springs are not ultra low (350mm from centre of wheel to Guard) would the same damage still happen with hitting bump stops etc. Should I not put the springs in til I get the Bilsteins??????
  3. Anyone seen or heard from Karl? He seems to have dropped off the face of the earth
  4. Yeah it will be fine I already have it on my cam covers and the front cover thingy (Cas) and have had no issues. Some people have been known to put it on the exhaust manifold but that may be a little too hot?
  5. I had a bit of trouble when I first got it back in 2000 I think cause there wasn't many around but they have left me alone lately. I'm planning on getting it engineered soon anyway for a bit of police insurance
  6. Just read your other post, thanks for clearing it up
  7. Got LM GT1's on my 33 . I tried to get a spare back in 2001 (Scraped a gutter) and was told that it would be almost impossible so I agree, EXTREMELY RARE rims nowdays
  8. Hey guys, Did some painting this week using Metalcast Red and thought Id share the results, Tell me what you think. Fuel Rail Blow Off Valve Ive also painted up the Cam covers and all the little tiny pipe thingys running to the charcoal canistor but I havent got the pics yet ill post them up later An old pic before the extra painting before any mods
  9. Thanks GT32 that has been on my mind for 9years!
  10. Sorry to go off topic here guys but can someone tell me what my wheels are? They look a bit like LMGT4's but I have never seen them in white before, They are genuine Rays tho so anyone know? Not sure how to make the pic bigger?
  11. So the throttle body Q is sorted, what about the piping? Anyone with pics of their setup? I wanna see how tight you can go with tight radius bends
  12. Im thinking of eventually getting myself a Plazmaman Plenum for my S2 33 RB25 and was wondering, if I plan of only having around 250-260rwkws will retaining the standard throttle body be sufficient? And whats the best way to run the piping so that it will match up with the hole (In the usual spot) that has been put in for the FMIC (tight radius bends???) just under the washer bottle?
  13. Hey People, Im about to get together a Whiteline/Bilstein suspension package the same as SK had on these forums and was wondering if these solid state pineapples are any better or worse than the regular polyurethane ones? Anyone had any experience with both? Opinions greatly sort after Cheers
  14. And now I must be the only import driver there....I feel so lonely surrounded be falcodores:)
  15. Hey Liz didn't you used to live around Galston?......I know that car
  16. Maybe we could start a new style of racing
  17. Liz/Chris, I understand what your saying and your right. What i meant by not being happy about it is the fact im kind of stuck with the EMU for a bit until I can afford the PFC but thats the way things go I spose If only Guilt-Toy contacted me a few weeks before the baby was born eh! hehehe It was a bit of a gamble getting the EMU and its better than nothing, as I said before, at the time PFC's were thought to be almost finished (For 33 GTST's anyway) and were dam expensive back then because I think the market went into a bit of a "panic" so to speak with the chip supplier problems or whatever it was. I still believe the tuner in question is one of the best around and I appreciate his honesty and I will use his services one day, thats why I didnt want to publicly name him. Im glad to have an explanation and from what he and Trent (URAS) have said I do understand. Its not all bad as Ive still got a ways to go before im above 250odd rwkw so the EMU is capable for now. Thanks again for the advice people. I better send Guilt-Toy a PM. So are you guys gonna give me some tips when I can get to a track day soon?
  18. Oops my bad, Edited. Thanks Steve
  19. UPDATE Sorry for the very late update people, been flat out with work, the new baby and putting the 33 back together so I have only been browsing a little every few days. Ok the tuner got back to me and most of you were on the money, it appears that all the trouble with the E-Manage Blue has made people steer very clear of the E-Manage Ultimate in my opinion. The reply was as follows: "Hi Dave, In summary EMU has its limitations, especially when you change air flow meter and injectors. I won't go into technical details of it, but I can say that the tune ends up as a compromise. Some of the shortfalls are not perceivable from a driver's point of view, but can leave the tuner feeling uneasy and is uncomfortable with what they see. Some tuners simply won't have a problem with this and get the job finished and call it done. There is a risk here for us that the car may not end up meeting our standards for tuning, eventhough it might feel fine when driven. We don't like to take a chance with a car enthusiast not loving a tune that they got done at XXX as all of our new business is "word of mouth" only. For this reason we sometimes may have to turn people away XXX possibly felt the same way we do about the EMU, and hence were not too interested in it. XXX obviously feel different as they seem to fit EMU to lots of cars. In my opinion, this is not because they believe EMU is great. I have heard a rumour from Greddy Aust sales rep that XXX landed a very large shipment of them at a very attractive price directly from Japan when they were the Greddy distributors. To move these units, I feel they were sold and fitted to a lot of cars where there were better alternatives to EMU, as the profit margins were high. The same sales rep also told me that EMUs popularity within XXX is falling rapidly since they have to now purchase through Greddy Aust and profit margins are narrower. EMU does work rather well in most instances, but in your case compromises will have to be made. It is also not hard to see that EMU failed to gain much popularity with Skyline owners for that same reason. Hope this clears things up, and we look forward to the possibility of gettting involved in one of your projects in the future." So there you have it. Cant say that Im happy about it but what can I do? I have one installed so ill have to wait until i can afford something better. I wonder what URAS would say about all this? Hope you all had fun at the trackday you lucky buggers! Im sure ill get to one one day and put faces to all the names Ill post up some pics of my 33 once its back together. Thanks to N1GTR and evil_weevil for your advice on my PM's and A&B Motorsport who kindly offered to have a look at it for me but Im a little far away from them.
  20. Nearly all of my Mods are from Paul. Top Bloke, really helpful and will always advise you on the right way instead of letting you waste your hard earned and AWSOME prices

  21. Just got my RB25 Turbo Highflowed by Hypergear and Ive been told to archive it at 18-20psi. Have a look at my topic hereas i had a major problem with the HKS actuator as it wouldnt fit, wasted 230bucks When i got my highflow done they modified mine to a 14psi actuator for me. Do you use a EBC?
  22. Fair point, looks as though CRD are one of the only ones that will touch the EMU anyway. So until I can source a PFC that's what I'll have to do. I did get a reply back from the tuner I was talking about in my original post and in a nutshell the EMU is the problem, I'll add the full response when I get home from work as it will take too long on the iPhone. DrGr81-the only reason I was going to switch workshops is that this guy is known to be one of the best in the business so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try him out
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