I had may car at the mechanics late last week for a remap to suit the new turbo combo, much to my dissapointment there wasnt a whole lot of improvment in max power.
The current set up is an emanage ultimate, gt30/vg30, with a blitz sbc controlling boost.
While i am quite happy with the way the car drives i would still like to squeeze a little more out of it.
The suporting mods ive been told should see me around the 200 awkw mark, but the best so far was
176 on boost setting 4, 1.1 bar.
my problem is this, beyond this level, vehicle boost cuts. the mechanics have scoped and data logged to determine injector and air flow meter ranges but neither were the cause of boost cut, also inspected for boost sensing devices for factory ecu, none were evident.
They seem to think that the internal mapping of the factory ecu offers fuel cut at certain rpm when boost causes specific injector demand.
has any one else had this problem I know there are a quite a few s1 out there that have 200awk and above,
any ideas or advice would be appreciated.