Hey all,
ive been doing abit of work on the a/c of late, read everything posted regarding it i can, which was of a massive help thanks to all those who had contibuted in the past.
ive come up with afew things that are making sense though:
first, the control arm issue, seems ok, when running the diagnostic test it says its ok and appears to be working ok but when running the a/c it dosent appear to be far enough back(back=cold, forward=hot yes?) it does go all the way back but not when the a/c is on, can anyone confirm weather this should be the case?
which leads into issue two, the sensors, the 3rd temp when running the diagnotic test shows a negative temp, but then changes its mind after afew mins and matches up with the others, i fiddled round with the resistors with no results it just bosted the temp setting when it came good, im thinking this is prob affecting issue one.
is the best way to fix this to replace that faulty? all the info has been great so far but ive done it all now to no avail, if anyone could sheed any more light on the situation or has fixed the same prob that would be great,