ok, im taking all this sh*t to the tip sunday if its not sold.
make any offer on anything as if its not sold, im chucking it.
- Sr20det timing chain kit, includes cams, chain, tensioners, guides, crank gears, $80
- Apexi Frontpipe, suit sr silvia, SOLD TO DARCEY ?? MAYBE LOL
- Apexi Catback, sit any silvia/180, SOLD TO DARCEY? MAYBE LOL
- Rb coilpacks, they say rb20, but must be for red top rb20 or vg30 or some other type as dont fit my clip/loom $offers
- Silvia bonnet, dent in it, $free
- apexi pod/ afm adaptor, $15
- Sr/r33 i think pod filter adaptor $10
- 15 inch tyre, good for skids, $free
-Apexi Front pipe and Apexi Catback (sold to darcey possibly? if not $250 which is Fn cheap-)
-sr20det timing kit sold to that bloke that pm'd me yeh? of not $80 and its whoevers
-also got a pair of stock r32 rims painted black with near new tyres, $100 for rims without tyres, or $160 with tyres
- and a HKS pod filter, needs new foam piece, $15
- and a central20 ecu with slot to replace chips, umm tuned for a td06, standard injectors, fmic, xorst, made 205rwkw, speed cut, boost cut. $offers over $150, suits rb, r32
0404 331 770
if i still have this stuff by sunday its goin to tip so make offers and buy it.