Don't know about anyone else out there, but it seems to me that the general state of the roads are just getting worse!!
NOw, I am (un)lucky enough to live in the far north, where the state of the roads is basically crap... I mean you drive down the main streets and they have potholes and sh*t everywhere. Oh and IF they actually get around to re-sealing a road, they use that loose stuff (which does absolute wonders for the paintwork of your car) and don't even warn you that it's coming up so that you can take another road to avoid breaking windscreens and stuff....
I do like living up here (and have done for 6 years or so) as there are some absolutly awesme roads to drive on with, with lots of twisty sections and off camber corners, it's a blast....
However, the roads are crap and considering how much fuel is (and part of that tax is supposed to go to fixing the roads not just general other crap) you would think that the state of the roads would be a lot bette....
Anyway, that's my friday bitch out of the way....