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Everything posted by IOWNU

  1. 18s with brand new tyres. 2.5k. Edit: Can check exact size/offsets etc when I get time, but as it stands, they suit a manual V35 coupe with Brembos.
  2. Since we're all talking rims, I also have a set of Volk TE-37s to suit V35, great condition and clear Brembos.
  3. No straps, no belt, just chalk. I don't let the bar physically rest, it just 'clinks' the ground.
  4. Yeah but that's more than 100kgs lol. My point was, if your squat isn't higher than your bench, something is wrong, the legs should be MUCH stronger than the functional muscles required to bench.
  5. Come on brah. He's right, ppl that can bench 100kg but can't squat 100kg is just sad. Sure we all don't want big legs, but people who are top heavy with pencil legs look pretty fugly.
  6. Far out well done man! I weigh a solid 17kgs more than you and your deadlift pwns mine by 25kg odd.
  7. I also have a stock set of v35 18s. And some after market 18s that came off a v35, some fake brand. PM if keen.
  8. For reps (8-10), around 160-170kg 1RM, about 205kgs or there abouts. Why no deadlift love?
  9. Sold. lol @ PMs whinging that I don't reply to offers for trade, why would I waste my time when i specifically said no trades? Cheers.
  10. Often Strawberry can taste like crap, choc is usually the safe bet. But I am sick of choc, so I'll go Strawberry for a laugh.
  11. Chocolate or Strawberry?
  12. The calcium caseinate I reckon- for the higher protein content.
  13. Haha yeah I was trying to work that out myself. I was like the description is the same...yet they are different somehow. Thanks for the advice, I'll try it out and see how I go.
  14. Why did you opt for the calcium caseinate over the miceller casein? Ahh I didn't realise that it is flavourless! I guess i could mix in some Dymatize for flavour.
  15. I hate when people say CLEM instead of CLEN. Or worse, GLEN. Clen + t3= win apparently. Who has stuffed around with both at the same time?
  16. Define quick lol? Did you get calcium caseinate or micellar casein? Usually the casein taste extra gunky and like crap.
  17. LOL! Nah I'm just going to order the caesein to try it out. Fair price too.
  18. IOWNU

    Hoon Laws

    I have to say the conditions for successfully (and happily) owning a modified vehicle in this state are more stringent than the bilogical and environmental conditions required to maintain life. I hate driving an import and worrying everytime you see a cop. I hate being pulled over for 'random checks' just because the police are bored/have to follow stupid and ill-thought of legislation. I hate being treated with suspect and being treated like a criminal. What can we do? Surely all the enthusiasts across the state can form some form of unified lobby that will hold a degree of sway in political circles? Beyond significant change, I think, having owned over 30 Japanese imports now, I will bow out of the game and stick to hassle free Euro sportscars.
  19. I just stick to Dymatize Elite. Tastes great, easy to get, enough protein in there and so on. CBS risking buying poor tasting protein in bulk and then being stuck with it.
  20. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention toilet pain. You arent' weird, it's a good pain. As far as I know, most people love the DOMS type pain we get as a result of weight training.
  21. One month, no good! I did 20 rep squats for the first time in a while (have been going heavy as of recent). I did 3 sets of 20 rep squats, at 100kg. DEAD. (For those of you who are bored of your normal legs routine, try 20 rep squats)
  22. Did squats yesterday. Cannot walk today. Hurts getting out of the car. Hurts sitting down. Hurts picking up objects off the ground...........yet at the same time, it feels so good?!?!
  23. In terms of cheating, everyone watch Bigger Stronger Faster. Kthnxbai.
  24. Hey they could be for his......wife? LOL!
  25. Oh and we all know he's on the gear, but here's some solid proof:
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