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big col

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Everything posted by big col

  1. I bought my near stock r33 about 2 years ago with ~120k on the clock. Ran like clockwork for a year, only thing I needed to get was a new battery (and regular servicing of course). Then in the last year it's been falling apart! Gearbox died so I had to get that replaced and got a new clutch at the same time, had some issues with the coolant system and for the past 6+ months it has lost a heap of power and boosts like crap (not coilpacks/sparkplugs) so I'll eventually have to get that fixed too. It's really annoying because I hardly ever thrash it, wouldn't mind so much if I was actually abusing it! Then you get scum who vandilise your car so you have to pay to get that fixed because the insurance claims are too expensive. I still like my skyline though Just wish I could spend my money on upgrading it rather than fixing it all the time so I could take it to a track day!
  2. *takes note of the plates of privately owned cop cars and calls hoon hotline to see if they get on the list* Really, using that amount of resources to literally catch a handful of hoons is a shameful misuse of the police force. They should be focusing on other top 5 lists of thieves, assault, rapists, etc and leaving the traffic cops alone to go about their daily duty of catching out people who shouldn't be on the road LIKE THEY ALREADY DO.
  3. Cops usually tailgate when they are interested in your car, they claim it is to match their speedometer with your vehicle's speed but that's a load of BS. They can do that from a safer distance. They tailgate to intimidate and hopefully (from their perspective) make you go over the speed limit so they can write you a ticket. Bad luck on your part though because I'm sure anybody else would have thought it was just some asshole in a 4wd and may have done the same thing. I'm willing to bet if a cop was tailgating you and you braked and they slammed into the back of you, they would sting you for dangerous driving. Funniest time I got pulled over I was (not extremely) tailgating a 4wd along hepburn ave (part where it is one lane) as it was doing 30km/h... undercover cop was behind me tailgating me too and as soon as I could legally overtake (without going over the speed limit) I did... cop did the same thing then pulled me over for tailgating. Thought that was ironic Got away with a warning since I just shut my mouth and resisted the urge to say "well you were tailgating me too... why don't you write yourself a ticket". He should have pulled the 4wd over for dangerous driving.
  4. Glad I made the switch to Peak 98. I filled up tonight and passed a BP station just down the road and it was 18 cents more expensive. I'd like to hear their justification for that!
  5. I think they said on the third offence (or after the third offence not sure which) they will either crush the car, auction it off or use it in undercover operations. I just reckon it's scare tactics, would get contested in court immediately and no doubt the cops would lose the case. It is stupid anyway as people who fall into that situation would be more likely to try and getaway from the cops and be even more reckless doing so knowing their car would get confiscated/crushed if they get caught. Apparently they're also starting a new operation using "hoon" like vehicles with plain clothed police officers who will no doubt be entrapping people to street race putting the public at risk. It's a shame our police force wastes an enormous amount of resources on such a minor demographic when it could be done much more effectively with less resources and especially when it should really be going towards more important things like burglary... if you call the cops after your house has been robbed (or even if you catch the thief yourself) the cops will take their sweet arse time getting there (hours) but I bet if you made a phone call about hearing a "hoon" they'd be there within minutes. Not to mention the hoon law is complete crap in the first place and is basically a free pass for the power trip cops to do as they please.
  6. I had a similar issue, car was losing coolant whenever i took it for a drive and couldn't see it leaking anywhere or any spots in the garage where it is normally parked. Took it to 2 radiator places who couldn't find out what the problem was. Third time i took it to a performance workshop who found the problem... a corroded steel water line for the turbo was spitting out coolant whenever it was under pressure. Got that replaced and I haven't lost a drop of coolant since. So if the leak isn't coming from the usual spots like a cracked radiator or rubber hoses it could be something similar to what I had.
  7. Yeah BP woodvale had the out of order tags on all of the premium pumps tonight. Would be great if the government grew some balls and passed some laws to stop the fuel companies from doing obvious profiteering like this... rather then making a crappy fuelwatch website that tells you how you're getting screwed over at the pump. I'll probably try out vortex 98, I've had enough of BP shenanigans. Always the most expensive and as said the prices vary wildly even at BP stations 2 minutes apart!
  8. Good luck with making the blow off valve silent
  9. When I get pulled over, I stay in the car and leave it running. Mind games, gives the impression you don't think you have done anything wrong and should be leaving quickly... at least that's what I tell myself hahaha. Turn the radio off, window down, licence ready and lose the attitude if you have one. Answer their questions without making any admissions of guilt, whether you are guilty or not. Most importantly have answers ready for their typically common questions, if they ask you a question and you don't answer it straight away then you're lying... you have to think to lie and that takes time! Don't try and chat them up, they aren't your friend and doing so will make it seem like you have something to hide. Basically just talk as little as possible while still being cooperative and not admitting guilt! Simple really. I still think though if you have done the wrong thing and they've caught you out then you should take it on the chin, arguing with them if they've got substantial evidence is only going to make things worse. Sucks if you get a prick of a cop though (usually the older ones who have "seen it all before" and say shit like "I know your type") and decided they were going to screw you over and abuse their authority as soon as they saw you. Sounds like you met one of these Haunter, bad luck The law on defect notices really sucks, you're out of pocket if the car was perfectly road legal at the time it was issued and the officer doesn't have any disciplinary action taken against them. Could be fixed if you had the option of paying for the car to be towed away, stored at a secure facility and then inspected as it was at the time of the defect notice. If it was defective then the government pockets more of your money, but if it wasn't defective then you get your money back and the cop gets disciplined for playing pretend mechanic.
  10. haha first time it has happened to me so I had nfi what to do! I did try turning the wheel again but I was trying to re-centre it and it wouldn't budge... had to turn it the other way in the end. Now I know better... although the next time it happens I will still look stupid
  11. Thanks NI55ANLUV! Crisis averted
  12. I parked my car and took the keys out, but noticed i hadn't lined up quite right. So without thinking I put the car in reverse to correct it and started turning the steering wheel and it locked up and that's when I remembered "oh yeah no keys"... didn't think of it cause the turbo timer was still counting down so the engine was on. Now the wheel is locked and I can't turn the key in the barrel to unlock it and start the car up again! What the hell can I do?!?
  13. Driving around suburban streets doing the speed limit and being yelled at to slow down by people who associate any exhaust noise with speeding. Even more so when it's freaking primary school kids hahaha
  14. Yeah naturally I'd intend to get some more tests done first to confirm it's the head gasket before diving straight in to get it replaced. The radiator cap is holding pressure, I got them to check that as the last place I went to before put a new cap on. I was expecting to hear around 2k-2.5k for a head gasket job so it will be good if it is less than that!
  15. Got it pressure tested today and they couldn't find any leaks. The thermostat was stuffed though (wasn't opening) so got that replaced as well as new coolant as the old stuff was shit. The car has been running 'lumpy' for quite a while now (guessing this is it trying to combust coolant) so everything is pointing to the head gasket Yeah i did get steam coming out of the overflow bottle. Time to dig into the lackluster cash cow! Tried checking the oil for any white stuff (water) but couldn't find any, haven't noticed any smoke coming out the exhaust either. Whats the ballpark figure these days for a new head gasket + labour? And is there anything else I should get checked in the engine at the same time for all the labour i'll be paying?
  16. Thanks for the replies. The coolant level had gone down again this morning and there was a little puddle of fresh coolant under the car this morning so hopefully it isn't something as serious as the head gasket. I'll post the outcome after getting it checked out this week.
  17. Could be it... high boost has been real shit for the past month (think the ecu is cutting it out). runs normal on low boost. But yeah, that black fan should be spinning right?
  18. My r33 overheated yesterday. The temp gauge didn't indicate it was overheating (usually sits halfway and it had moved just a fraction above halfway). Only knew because I parked my car and heard the freaking coolant boiling from the overflow bottle. It was so hot there was smoke from the plastic! Checked the radiator and it was bone dry... got it serviced about 700km's ago and they said my coolant doesn't need replacing... so as far as I am aware it was full not too long ago. I haven't noticed any leaks, no stains on the floor where I normally park it at home and work. Going to take it to a radiator place next week, just poured in 4L of coolant as I'm gonna limp it there. Didn't see it leaking out anywhere when pouring it in/running the engine. Going to check tomorrow if the coolant level has dropped. I did notice though the small black fan infront of the radiator wasn't spinning... this should be spinning shouldn't it? The huge white fan behind the radiator is spinning around like a champ, just the small black one that isn't turning. The coolant is a nice rusty brown colour btw... was like that the last time i got the coolant flushed and the radiator place said "there doesn't seem to be any rust,.the old coolant was just dirty"... safe to say I'm not taking it back there again! I seem to have a knack for owning cars that need to have something fixed every other month
  19. You can always trust today tonight for 100% reliable, well researched unbias information But yeah, those highway cops along whitfords ave are always pricks and will do anything to hand out a fine. I've seen them on the median strip in between the lanes before leaning against the tree trying to hide even more... then directing people they catch to park up on the median strip!
  20. I'd love to see how much crime rates for property damage go up during school holidays... bored little shits with nothing better to do!
  21. Me: Your top, your pants... Officer: What? Me: Aren't you suppose to be taking down everything I say?
  22. I'd hope I was blocked in... pin the bastards between some metal! Unless they had a gun I would arc up and go ballistic... wouldn't give a shit if i damaged my car in the process because lowlife scum like that need to be taught a lesson the hard way.
  23. Tell them they are trespassing on private property and ask them to leave immediately. If they do not, use self defense against the robbers! That or start getting naked and wait for the awkwardness to do it's work.
  24. I thought this was going to be about a drink holder. There's a part of the centre console you can put a can in but if you put a mcdonalds/HJs cup in there it topples over all the time Someone should design/manufacture a fitting to make that thing a proper cup holder if there isn't already one! I dont trust those cheap flimsy air vent cup holders. I want a road flare for the road flair!
  25. Driving isn't a right, it's a privilege* *only when you're young. When you're older it is obviously a right and you shouldn't need to resit driving tests to make sure you know any updated road rules, are still abiding by them and haven't developed any bad driving habits. Sad case of youth being screwed over as the old corrupt buggers in the government need to appeal to whatever stupid, ludicrous and down right wrong stereotypes the ignorant voting masses believe are a problem that needs to be fixed at any cost... as long as it doesn't effect them in any way shape or form. That's the bottom line. people will still crash regardless of their age, people will still speed, underage drinking will continue even with stupid taxes, homes will be burgaled, drugs will continue to be abused, same shit different day and the government will continue to pass and enforce more and more ridiculous decronian laws just so they can get voted in for another term, they will never do anything substantial to fix the problem at it's core. There's no way of changing that unless you get into the position of a state premiere yourself lol.
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