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big col

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Everything posted by big col

  1. Got my just car insurance renewal (3rd party fire + theft) in the mail today and the bastards jacked up the vehicle excess by an extra 50%! The vehicle excess was $500 last time I renewed and now it's been jacked up to $750! I've been with them for 3 years and haven't made any claims, the premium has only gone down by about $20 since the first year I was with them. Going to call them up, complain and then look for other insurers if they don't do something about it. I looked at the policy document briefly and didn't see any mention about excess possibly increasing if you don't make a claim. Sounds like HBF could be good but do they insure under 25 year olds? I'm 22, had my licence cancelled in 2005 for excess 0.05 and have had a couple of speeding fines. Also one claim back in 2004. Only looking for third party (with fire and theft if available). Oh yeah it's an R33 GTST with barely any mods (exhaust/suspension/air filter). btw when you guys get quotes and don't have such a clean driving record make sure you listen to the questions they ask carefully. Most of the times they are only interested in claims/infringements/offences in the last 3-5 years. If they ask you about your history and don't mention how long ago to go back, ask them because it'll make a huge difference to your premium/excess.
  2. What a discriminating douchebag. If all 17 year old boys are hoons they should change the law back so you have to be 18 to get a licence, problem fixed with alan carpenter logic! Terorised lol... terrorists probably get more rights. Alan Carpenter is such a twat. It was pretty funny how he was announcing all these new policies and saying "I'm not doing this as a publicity stunt because I know there is an election coming up"... then the next week announces the election and ever since has been getting his arrogant smug face on the tv wherever, whenever and however possible. Totally lost all credit with the netball thing... I wish my daddy could spend $35million of taxpayers money for my local sports club. One of his big campaign points is cracking down on hoons... I think there are much larger problems than that he should be wasting hordes of peoples' overtaxed money on. You know, like teachers, nurses, etc... the stuff that isn't important apparently :\ He's obviously far too busy trying to get a freaking ferris wheel into Perth. As for this new law, I'm actually for some of it. There should be restrictions on what P platers can drive. I would go further and say there should be restrictions on what all people can drive, just like motorbikes. They shouldn't necessarily be banning particular cars, but should have different licences for different power ratings (like motorbikes). This way people of any age who shouldn't be driving in the first place but are because of our incredibly shitty licencing system won't be able to do as much damage as they could. Gotta love these bandaid solutions the WA government continually spews out. I wonder how many people lost their jobs because of the gas crisis? I remember them wanting to crush the cars that hoons were driving... selling them is just as ridiculous and would never hold up in court. If my car ever even got confiscated under the hoon law I would report my car as stolen just for shits and giggles. Hell I should become a cop and start pulling over middle aged housewifes and pensioners under the hoon law for "excessive noise" so they complain on today tonight and get the laws changed... after all today tonight is the government... THINK ABOUT IT!
  3. Today my near-enough stock R33 decided it didn't want to hit high boost. I'm pretty sure it's the ECU restricting the turbo as the boost is fine and completely normal on low boost. But when I hit ~4500rpm when high boost would normally kick in it doesn't, just stays on low boost up to the limiter. I've had some brown rusty crap in my radiator cap for a few months now before and after taking it to a radiator place (where they said they didn't think anything was rusted... wasn't exactly the most glamorous workshop though. The coolant doesn't have any rusty bits in it and seems completely normal apart from having a brown tinge (which the radiator place said was the colour of their coolant). Anyway, it hasn't overheated at all and the temp gauge is always below the half-way mark in it's usual spot. I'm leaning towards either a rusty radiator (or engine block... that would suck) not cooling the car down well enough and the ecu restricting the turbo as a result.... but nothing has changed since the last 3+months and today. Or is it a sign that my turbo is on it's way out? I might unplug the battery and leave it like that overnight in an attempt to reset the ECU... but apart from that I'm at a loss to what the cause is. I've checked the oil/coolant level (do it regularly anyway) and even ripped out the air filter to check it was clean. I hate my car lately, giving me nothing but trouble Any suggestions on the cause/what to do?
  4. Hutton St at the freeway entries/exits. Gets so busy sometimes, usually traffic gets banked up in one lane but not the other so people try turning across the road not being able to see if there is another car coming along in the other lane at a speed too fast for the conditions. Where do people get the idea that a green light means you are completely safe at an intersection and don't need to adjust your speed if there is shitloads of traffic banked up or even bother to check that an idiot isn't crossing when he shouldn't be?
  5. If the curfew applied to learner drivers this guy obviously would have said "oh wait I can't go out at this time of night to do a bit of drink driving with some excessive speeding on the side" and stayed at home instead.... /sarcasm
  6. Bump! I got my coolant flushed recently because of possible corrosion. The place that did it said that the old coolant was probably just dirty and that there wasn't any rust in the radiator. Last time I go there because a few weeks later after checking if it needed a top up the cap had all this brown rust-like crap all over it. I was thinking of getting a new radiator with my tax return, would I need new hoses as well? Also what would be the rough price I'd be looking at. Any recommendations of places in Perth (NOR) would be great too. Really wanted to spend my tax return on something other than the car, already spent too much on it!
  7. Curfews are bullshit. This doesn't effect me but it sure would suck if it did. What about people who have moved here and need to work during those hours? I sure hope there's an exception for them. A small percentage of P platers are crashing because they are either inexperienced, mechanical failure or bad driving attitude (or a mix of all three). This curfew doesn't address any of those issues, it may reduce the P plater crashes caused by driver fatigue but that's all I can see happening. For the most part it is going to be a major unnecessary inconvenience for the much larger proportion of P plate drivers doing the right thing. Those that aren't doing the right thing are still going to be out driving on the roads... just without their P plates displayed. Anybody know what the other three main changes to learner and provisional licences are? Hopefully they are well thought through and actually help address the problem.
  8. refer to my sig
  9. Be sure to film police officers speeding without their sirens on... way to lead by example officers!
  10. An R33 cruise... meetpoint will be at hillaries boat harbour and we can all go down the launching ramp to get to the 2nd meetpoint at rotto
  11. Wtf do you pay insurance for if they tell you to sort this crap out yourself? That's just crap. I'll agree with constantly calling up the guy (maybe even pay a visit in person to intimidate them if you got an address) until you get a claim number, otherwise you're in for a world of shit if the guy decides to bugger off to melbourne and not answer your calls.
  12. You should go to the pub infront of the taxi rank in northbridge and wait for him to roll up!
  13. My car got debadged last month, I ended up paying $50 for each badge (sides/front) from northside nissan. I found a better way to look at it is at least they didn't key the car or smash a window.
  14. I recently got done for speeding along wanneroo road where a stretch of it drops from the normal 70 down to 60 (which I didn't know... thought all of wanneroo road was 70!). I got pinged by a cop with a handheld laser doing 82km/h, and he only allowed a 2km margin of error bringing it down to 80km/h shafting me with a $300 fine and 3 demerit points. I know that multanovas must allow for a 3km margin of error, but the cop was being uncooperative and obviously wanted to get his quota up and put me in the 20-29km bracket rather than the 10-19km/h bracket which would have been less money and points. Now my question is what is the margin of error police have to allow for HANDHELD speeding cameras? I've been searching on the net but can only find the margin for multanovas. A link to the source would be helpful. I have no problems with paying a speeding fine if I get caught, but I do have a problem when I think the cop is breaking the law to penalize me more.
  15. I was going to suggest the same thing as fei-sti wrx. At least then if the main meet point does get closed off by the cops (annoys me so much surely they can't do that without the carpark owner's permission as it is private property?) we could at least of had some sort of cruise that day/night so it isn't a complete waste of time.
  16. WGMG is waking up in the morning to find out your car has been badged. Now I've got to fork out an absurd amount of money for some new ones from nissan Was bound to happen with all the school kids who walk past drooling at it.
  17. No wonder why I noticed more highway patrol cars out on the road this weekend. I've NEVER seen them in my area before, and this weekend I saw them about 8 times, half of those were with them having just pulled somebody over. Shame the visible (and IMO more deterring) patrol cars aren't out in force like that every weekend. I'd rather have them out on the roads than the the sneaky hidden revenue raising boxes that do nothing to deter speeding in the immediate/short term or even in the long term (the continual rise of the number of people being caught speeding backs this claim up). Not to mention multanova's cant pull over drunk drivers, drugged up drivers, cars that shouldn't be on the road, etc. Side note, the road safety office wants to drop all the country highway speed limits from 110 to 100.... you have to wonder what kind of retarded monkeys working there make decisions like that.
  18. I'm not sure on the brand/model I have (pretty sure it is a beltronics, I will have a look tomorrow) but my brother had a beltronics XR which he sold along with his car. He did buy it locally and actually took it back to get it tested to see if it was working properly because he thought it was that bad and he got the "it's all working" reply so yeah he just left it at that and accepted it just had a crap range. Admittedly it did work better than mine, but not by much. He'd get about a 50-60m warning before multanovas (no traffic), where as I get about a 30m warning if I'm lucky. Btw I haven't formed the opinion that "ALL" radar detectors are crap, I was just expressing my personal experiences and my friends' experiences (which I didn't bother to write) with them. I'm sure there are a handful of expensive models that work a treat, but the majority (especially the cheaper mid-range models) seem to make claims that are no where close to real-world scenarios. Which model of beltronics do you use and on what settings? I've found that highway mode seems to work the best in most situations. lol @ bel-air... I must have still been hungover on sunday arvo when I made that post edit: My radar detector is a beltronics xr 650.
  19. I don't know if WA police have radar detector detectors, but I'm pretty sure in other states they do since the use of radar detectors are illegal there. In my experience radar detectors do little in the way to help, by the time they detect a speed camera you've got about half a second to do some braking before it's too late... and i'm not talking about excessive speeding i'm talking about 10km over the limit with no traffic around. You can pretty much forget about it detecting anything with traffic around. Hell I've driven past a few and the thing didn't even beep! That could be my crappy old radar detector, but my brother bought the latest bel-air model last year and he feels the same way about it.
  20. Those km's aren't high, it is an 8 year old car after all and blue r34's (i'm assuming it's a 2dr manual?) are pretty rare in WA so that's a good price for a head turner. lol @ 22k for an R34... sure you can import one yourself for cheaper but I think 22k is pushing the absolute limits. Not to mention there's all the extra hassle of having to wait months on end, getting it complied, not really knowing if there's something wrong with it, etc.
  21. big col


    haha that's no good! I only got the rear tyres changed, the front tyres are still 50's. Edit: just checked my tyres then and the fronts are 45's, so it's all good. I thought they all used to be 50's but it must have just been the rear tyres.
  22. big col


    I got some from tyrepower just recently, asked for 225x50x17... they didn't have stock but got some in ready for my booking. Came out with 225x45x17... didn't care enough to go back and complain especially when I don't even know the difference between 50/45 etc. I'm guessing it's the width of the tyre?
  23. Just out of interest after how many k's should the timing belt be replaced? I'm going to get a major service soon (just passed 130k's) and I'm going to get new spark plugs, fluids changed, brakes inspected (possibly new brake pads), etc but not sure if the timing belt should be done.
  24. This is the first I've heard of these new penalties... glad to see they inform the public of these changes so well. Down the bottom of that link it says the ad campaign (which officially comprises of a single press release) started on the 23rd of February. Just one week of advertising via a single press release what are supposed to be new deterrents to stop road fatalities? Gotta love the government. Conveniently just in time for march madness too!
  25. big col


    This video is hilarious! I think it's just a voice over but either way it's still funny. Porsche vs Mustang
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