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Everything posted by ZENNON

  1. Yeah that's the one I meant when I was looking (over a month ago now) I could get Nikon SB-900 for $529 Sigma EF-530 DG for $319 but there is no urgency now so yeah.. sometime

    Nikon D90

    17-50/2.8 will be alright for most situations
  3. Yeah not bad - wasn't a paid gig so was only a little nervous Wish I had fast zoom lens 17-55/2.8 or 24-70/2.8 and a proper flash SB-900 (or sigma equiv) Indoor shots were all either really high ISO shots or shots with the built in flash which are never very flattering
  4. Just removed the spigot bearing on my old 4wd Hilux using the trusted fill-her-with-grease-and-tap-it method and it worked perfectly. Only came out a little bit at a time so I just kept filling the space behind the bearing with grease and kept tapping the bolt with the hammer. Now that I'm an expert I might try it on my RB20 sometime lol
  5. Haha thanks (was the back of one of the groomsman's T-shirts at the after party)
  6. Some pics from my first wedding shoot - Sorry for the spam!

    Nikon D90

    I'd suggest buying them one at a time.. in the order you have them listed!
  8. We're not photographers - we're just a bunch of people with cameras
  9. For those (who like me) didn't know - he is a photographer
  10. Agreed - Kory you stop it too!
  11. Think you entering will negatively affect my chances of winning ps. that goes for you as well Matt
  12. I don't think you should enter Sidd
  13. Oooh thanks - will do!
  14. x3 for 3rd pic ps flashy watermark Matt!
  15. Sif no only is gonna look at your pics Matt
  16. look closely at the "r" and the "i"
  17. Did you change it now? Maybe it was just my browser or something - it had these BIG blocked areas in it before ps. on a side note think you stuffed the spacing in some of your watermarks (between the 'r' and the 'i')
  18. haha smartass - already commented on flickr but ill say it again - its an awesome shot ps mean this is the nicest possible way: The sky in your 3rd Holden pic is seriously stuffed
  19. Yes I know what you mean and it is actually possible to change it. I have a friend with a Pentax SLR and he changed his focusing screen himself (or whatever that little thing is called) to one that does exactly that (cos he had a lot of old school cheap sharp manual focussing primes he bought cheap).
  20. Say whaaa
  21. Think mine has 11 but used a D40x or something on the weekend and it had 3.
  22. Kory is right about it being soft at 1.4 but that is SO soft i suspect what is happening is that it is focussed either in front or behind the piece of paper and not on the piece of paper itself so to see if this is the case you need to take a picture of it at 45 degrees.. barraspalding you said you dont have a printer try this instead get a ruler (or a brick wall) pick a specific point on the ruler (or brick wall) and focus on that point and take a photo (using tripod) with the lens wide open and then see if the bit in focus is where you focussed.
  23. Yeah I always thought it was was something only the Nikon full frames had (ie D700, D3, etc) Wonder if the D300 has it... (I would be very surprised if the D90 has it) Anyway doesn't matter - you're right - that def doesn't look right
  24. Yeah know what you are talking about but don't know what's its called. D40 wont have it - my D80 doesn't even have it.
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