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Everything posted by ZENNON

  1. What that guy said
  2. Haha Couple from the backyard:
  3. Was just looking at them yesterday! Link: Tempe Tyres Ebay Store
  4. If the white balance is wrong for example - that's something you can completely fix if you have the RAW. And the amount of information stored in a RAW is truly amazing (I always shoot RAW). If you get the exposure and white balance right you can probably just shoot JPG... What software do you use to adjust your preset modifiers (before you check the quality)?
  5. Nice shot. Reminds me of this pic I got of his cousin Ps like the OOF in yours EDIT: holy crap somehow between me opening and posting there are 9 new posts! above comment is meant for the original kokabarra pic)
  6. No pretty sure they didn't. They even cover QLD?
  7. Some nice shots guys. Lots of fast cars by the looks.. Here are some unedited shots from last weekend's Logan Challenge at the Springs 4x4 Park I was team manager for Team Well Sprung so most of the pictures are of the three cars in our team: Roley pretending to have a broken leg on the First Aid Course. Getting told by Bennie that he might not make it The decent where Brucey broke his thumb What eggs! Ouchies during the GPS challenge (whole album here)
  8. "Content Not Found"
  9. Nice and sharp
  10. ZENNON


    I'm not keen but interested to know what it is like...
  11. Mind waiting 12 months?
  12. Post a link (to said thread) and I'll help ya
  13. Ah nice! So the E-PL1 is body only atm?
  14. Couple of shots taken in Lamington National Park
  15. haha I think you're winning Nice - like the tires! My mates surf: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=E370I7TINYM (helped him put some new suspension in the back) Bit hard to see quite how steep it is but this was a little heart stopping: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=kOinXJ0v3Cc Yupp totally agree Nice shot I've actually been thinking about buying some sort of compact with a large sensor too.. started doing some research: google spreadsheet (Just shoot us your email address if you want write access) @Lepperfish - nice gig shots (know how hard it is to take those) Whoa that would have been an amazing shot if you were half an hour earlier (I'm assuming its a sunset not a sunrise) Ps. thanks SAU!
  16. Leica M9
  17. Like that last pic (in a photography sense )
  18. Just saw the second email notification come through (about the second thread) and was like WTF ps sorry to hear, will keep an eye, etc etc
  19. Nice! Which one is yours?? ps wow Matt your sig is annoying
  20. wat
  21. edit - beaten by an old man - HUMILIATION!
  22. I just went to the local bike shop and got one from there - definitely worth checking out
  23. ZENNON


    So they are fixed backed ones but you don't have car listed/plated/whatever-its-called as a 2-seater yeah? That's a bit unlucky. Sorry to hear mate
  24. ZENNON


    Also interested in the above.. (from both of you)
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