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Angus Smart

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Everything posted by Angus Smart

  1. I'm @ Revesby, (bankstown way) Anytimes good, i'll be here or father will be home hmmm dont happen to have a spare 6" blond laying around do you?
  2. Hey Russ, you had Mahle pistons in your 32 correct?? is there any secrets or tricks to using them/for the build??
  3. I'm going to whoreeeeeeee for a second or two.... I'm done whoring, now all i need is pistons and rods and i can build this damn thing!!!
  4. Ahh i see, No doubt that car will be on the roads soon enough..
  5. Bad timing, i spoke to his misses and he is over seas for 2-3 weeks. still want?
  6. Should have mine in the next two days, (customs held them up and $150 was paid to them ) didnt actually spend all that much on them (Mahles and Pauter), was about 500 more than getting a set of eagle rods and cp pistons, Should begin building the motor in about a week or so.
  7. Yeah i'm sure there will be a difference, tho at current its the postage we're working on to screw down in costs. we're charged around $250, and paul also gets alloy shafts from somewhere else in the Us for 100 or so delivered.. so he's looking at that approach to get costs down for us.
  8. Oh shit, what a pain in the ass, I was watching how you went with this car as its similar to mine. i hope you get what your after, it seems very reasonable
  9. How and what website do i use to watch the f1 on the web and not via 10's pooy coverage?? they had it on tv lastnite in a bar was swell watching the slides in the wet! and go webber!
  10. Yeah thats the email i read too. but it wasnt in the main body of it so i kept skimming past it. i will know more maybe tomorrow or monday / tuesday.. depends what he has found out. hes trying to screw the shipping charges down to compensate!
  11. As requested........ let me know if you want it, i can possibly ask my mate if he'd fix it too if your interested. there is no lip and you can have the spiders too!
  12. Mmmm, cant wait to get my Mahle pistons hurry up and send them out customs you hording f#$@ks!!
  13. Shane, where was that ordered from? i got 476 for the springs / retainers and 162 for the guides. as for the springs, from supertech, the two different spring rates. 70 and 92. what is the best to go with? i'm only going to use standard valves.
  14. i copped the intrest and it was only on 10480 as the first 6000 was sent right away. and it was around 40-50 bucks. which i get taxed on.
  15. I lorveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my arc cooler! its so damn light and apparently does a pretty good job!
  16. Hey Andrew, There was also a bit of communication thru my work email, but unfortunatly during this time my webhost changed servers and i lost all of my emails, i believe there is one in there where he replied to both emails of mine and it clearly states that fluculating exchange rates will cause the price to change.. you will find that email about halfway thru the lot, i think the first one with an attachment. it is also not written in the main body you need to scroll down to the first reply to view it. which is why i also kept missing it while searching thru them.. but dont worry guys, Paul is working on it as best as he can to keep the extra cost down If its 100-150 more i'm sure all of you can afford this.
  17. Ok guys so going through the emails, Nathan "willo" has found a problem. and it looks like we will have to pay more. Paul is doing his best to get the price down as good as he can, he is working on a better way to post the items off as he thinks Acpt have been paying too much for postage. it should only be an extra 100 dollars.. or there abouts! which i am sure all of you can afford... i'm sorry this couldn't have been bought to our attention earlier.. but its rather hard when juggling two email address on 3 different computers.
  18. Is gone roy i would have loved it myself might have to wait and grab one of yahoo japan. (Y120,000) so maybe 1500-1600 landed? http://page14.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s109896954
  19. F%#$K no! never getting involved in one of them again!! i spoke to my engine builder today and it looks like i'm going to run with standard valves. tho i may still do springs and retainers.
  20. Hey mate, i will do as soon as i work out what the amount is!
  21. hey i send them off to you now. you may want to remove your email off here for spam purposes
  22. hey Willo. we had to go through the aussie (StS) distributor, who is causing all this drama. the supplier (Acpt Usa) does not have the balance yet.. but yes i agree, i'd rather pay this now and work out what to do with it later if anything is to become of this.. at the end of the day it still is and was a good deal! I'm waiting on the Balance owing to Sts... and a reply from Acpt also..
  23. the problem he is saying, is because of the split payment, $6000 deposit and then $10480 with a drop of around 15c he is suddenly out of pocket. also saying that a split payment does not fall under the rules or something. 10x 2000 hp shafts @ 1390aud and 2x 1000 hp shafts @ 1290aud (sorry i got mixed up before saying 1400 and 1300) 15656 was the total in usd at the beginning @ .95c 6000aud was paid @ 95c which is $5700 usd. leaving a remainder of owing $9956 Usd. with us only having $8384 usd @ current .80c rate. But alas, we wernt ever quoted in Usd or had any mention about exchange fluctuations. a rock and a hard place!! will await what james says about the whole deal tonite when i expect a reply from him.
  24. 12 actually i thought i had 13 involved but i dont. i've asked him to do the math of whats owing a few times, but no result as of yet. i will get you to all pay into his account to avoid issues along the way.
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