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Inline 6

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Everything posted by Inline 6

  1. ill see you guys down there, their meeting spot is alot closer to my house and will give me more time to wash the car
  2. if i had to drive a mazda 6 i'd be pretty jelous to next time smoke him when he's leaving and give him 1 of these
  3. do as i do and park next to someone that can crank up theirs to accomdate you yea guess i must be gettin lil oldschool cause i wouldnt mind checking that out, just hope they dont have the live audience laugh ins like the tv show did http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drive-in_theater never can be to sure when people are joking
  4. well it would be cool to see a car movie but i dont think there's any coming out any time soon. except this crap http://movies.ign.com/objects/775/775609.html
  5. yeah might have been 1
  6. spotted a white vp with a smiley face on the bonnet looked like this guy with headphone's
  7. awesome idea, count me in cant believe their making a new rambo movie maybe do voting buttons for the movies when its time.
  8. spotted porche carrera 911 silver in the underground carpark at my work. damn these rich executives. something tells me i need to climb the ranks 3L badge on it ,wikpedia's telling me there are no 3L carrera's that shape but eh still nice black leather bucket seats look tuff as also
  9. sorry if its a repost but anyone use those thick ass water proof car covers they sell in car shops? the 1s with the soft cloth inside. im assuming if you put it on a dirty car itll do more harm than good when it rubs around. but if you wash the car before putting it on are they good for the paint work n such?
  10. i thought the sled would slice through the car instead don't usually like those sorts of bikes but that 1s tough is the bike quicker than the GTR?
  11. does a fully licensed driver driving next to you count for their driving under surpervision L plater thing? would help ya out but i wanna be a driver not just a spectator L plates in a nice skyline dont see that very often
  12. i cant find the damn pic now but on ign.com they have a thing called ultimate setups where i seen some pretty cool 1s. i reckon ill eventually get around to making 1 with a GTR seat. any1 got any nice setups they wanna show off?
  13. well i think its a lot more convienient carrying 1 game catridge with all your games you have paid for the ds on it, than a bag full of 20 of the lil bugga's. plus that way you can keep the originals minto dont think it can top my minto cd's collection ive got crazy old cd's that look like they just came out the shop cause i only use copy's in my car, which saved me a crapload when my last car got broken into and they took em all u only got cheap copy's sucka's
  14. quick noob question, are these sd cards it uses like the really small 1s that go in your phone or like the style that come out of camera's. i dont know jack about em just been told their different.
  15. yeah SA investigations he's investigating hoon driving and illegal modifications in the local car club scene. so on that note id like to remind everyone my car is standard nice ride's indeed you got there
  16. awesome links guys, order will be placed tonight. xmas pressie delimer solved. they should sticky this thread here howie i was wondering wtf you were talking about at scs. it all makes sense now
  17. Inline 6


    just dont overdo the short shifting and stall in front of them, got a bit excited once and had it in 5th at like 20km/h or something was pretty close to stallin on me.
  18. take it it wasnt a camera so you cant get a photo. could cops being dicks but maybe someone's stolen the plates of ur car once upon a time with a pervious owner.
  19. ok been a bit busy but heres a pic of how it looks on the flip side, ok so i bent the metal to fit there's a rather big gap in it now so it dosnt go all the way around but its tight as hell that leather aint moving anywhere note when your doing this people the lower you put the rubber the tighter the gear stick leather will be, which i prefer the look of but on my 1st attempt i went a lil to far and putting it in 2nd or reverse cause the plastic to almost jump out here's the end result, with my chunky gear knob you cant see the top rubber bit all. very happy with it now i couldnt find the clip in the middle with the ashtray out on mine, i found the left 1 though so i managed to pop 1 side out nice n easy which made the other side come out a lil easier. cheers for the help all
  20. for us tint noobs here, im guessing 35% is all nice n legal? whats the legal limit? also how big is this sticker and how long we gota it for? just out the drive way
  21. that pikes peak thing is a monster for sure, i think there's been like 3 of em made so far. old school pikes there was 1 based on a swift cultas aswell. this is the newer 1 http://digiads.com.au/car-news/latest-SUZU...eak_200707.html and direct qoute of a suzuki fan i know through their club that went n seen it in action "we were about 2 kilometres away on top of hill and we could hear it idling at the start line, it echo'ed off the surrounding hills" sounds like a good dailey driver, just wear them earplugs.
  22. like i said before somewhere that bumper needs holes, 32 style does look nice but dont think any one would really wanna drive that car with the exact same style as a 32, headlights look better too nice touch ups, bit hard to see with the darkness of that pic though also someone do a chop of that wing, it needs to be attacked. i cant wait to see some diff body kits coming out for it.
  23. yeah ill be going to have looksy at the cars after work. wont be hanging around there too long though.
  24. Hey does anyone know where i can get this pic without the stupid writing on top of it? ive tried looking around a bit but cant find 1. also if any of you chopers out there wouldnt mind doing a lil job for me could you put my rims on it? the blue 32 behind is my car, naturally cheers all
  25. yeah i agree blank those plates guys. i dont wanna post my pics cause the thing sticks out too much and gets parked out the front all the time. i call it oldzilla ammunst many other stupid names as its an oldschool dato with a inline6 2.6L just needs another cam and twin turbo and she'll be sweet many a time people question why i still drive it as its pretty f'd but the thing never dies (despite 5 years of thrasing, it was my first car) and i can leave it anywhere a not have to worry about a thing. also good for getting airbourne over train tracks and driving over curbs n kids and freaking people out with the electrics (dont think many people realize upper model cars had it back in the 70s)
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