Last night come out of Mawson uni to see this shocker. The picture is a map of the destruction, P plater in magna im guessing on drugs, comes flying in at around 80-100km over the speed humps (car is bottoming out on them from the speed) guy was trying to leave the car park in a v35 4door nearly got cleaned up there, he gets to the roundabout and hits it with his right wheel up that curb ends up going straight ahead up the curb in front of the sporting complex there crashing next to a couple of pedestrians who are probably soiled themselves. He sits there for about 30seconds and reversing back and continues on the path of destruction along the green line on the map. The guy in the v35 attempts to leave at this point along with another 4wd thing in front of him. The magna’s not done though and comes flying back swerving just in time to miss the skyline and hit the 4wd in front. He did not smell of booze but he was definitely not all there, even after they stoped and chatted security told him to come into the office he was still booting the car around.
Guess the main thing is no one was hurt and no skylines damaged