sounds like statements jelous ppl that cant afford nice cars make
u all do realize ppl say simmilar things about your cars to when they rolling in their pos cars
Memphis: I've been in L.A. for three months now. I have money, I have taste. But I'm not on anybody's "A" list, and Saturday night is the loneliest night for the week for me.
Roger the Car Salesman: Well, a Ferrari would certainly change that.
Memphis: Perhaps, Mmmm. But, you know, this is the one. Yes, yes yes... I saw three of these parked outside the local Starbucks this morning, which tells me only one thing. There's too many self-Indulgent wieners in this city with too much bloody money! Now, if I was driving a 1974 240z..
Roger the Car Salesman: You would not be a self-indulgent wiener, sir... You'd be a connoisseur.
Memphis: Precisely. Champagne would fall from the heavens. Doors would open. Velvet ropes would part.
slight adjustment by myself
there's cheaper aston martins like that around, im in the process of trying to con my rich friend into buying 1. theres that and a beamer and jag that kinda look simmilar that i constantly send him sale adds for
and if you want ppl to think you have a big dick ill give you 1 of the empty box's of condoms i finished that you can strategicly place and say o i forgot i left those there